Ric Chapman - Technibble

All posts by Ric Chapman

Why I Fired All of My Residential Customers

I appreciate that many business owners are probably reading on aghast about what sounds completely and utterly unforgivable, but on reflection it has probably been one of my best and liberating decisions


How to Close on the First Call

  • 09/17/2013

Our PC repair businesses often rely on the generation of incoming calls and is something we work painstakingly hard at generating through advertising and various other tried and tested methods, but receiving


Spiceworks for Managed Service Providers?

I’m often asked by members of Technibble about my choice of platforms when it comes to my managed services. The answer is often a cause of concern, confusion, and more commonly surprise. Spiceworks,


Managing Work Load – Part 4 Prioritize

Without To-do lists I’d be in trouble. I mean serious trouble. They permeate every waking moment of my life and serve to keep me focused and on track day to day. The nature of the business means


Managing Work Load – Part 3 Eliminate Time Wasters

As an owner of a Computer Repair Business I soon discovered that time wasters can come in many forms. Time wasters are effectively people or things that give a very low amount of benefit or return, in


Managing Work Load – Part 2 Develop Routines & Habits

Typically, in most lines of work, we have jobs that need to be done on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. These jobs can relate to anything such as a daily backup tape swap, a monthly meeting, server and


Managing Work Load – Part 1 Focus & Interruptions

Anyone who decides to run their own business whether full time or part time has a lot on their plate. There’s a lot to do to run and maintain a business even before the customers come along, and


Introducing IT Changes to a Business

Change … Change is looked upon differently by different people. Generally speaking we have two groups. Those that embrace change and those that loath it. But change is a complicated process, Windows


Juggling a Family and a Tech Business Start-Up

This article is a long past due follow up to Juggling a Day Job and a Tech Business Start-Up from way back in March and this write up has really been playing on my mind since posting that article which

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