Dell 790 Bios password reset


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Does anyone have a piece of software or are they willing to generate a code for me to over ride a optiplex 790 password please. It was set same as all my others but this wont accept it.

Please can you help guys :confused:
There should be a PSWD jumper on the motherboard.

Pull the jumper then with the jumper removed, power on the system... you will hear a couple of beeps and it will say something like "Password Cleared" on the screen.

Turn it off and replace the jumper.
Here are the Password Jumpers (PSWD). They are pretty much always BLUE on most newer OptiPlex systems.




How is that going to help? This is an Optiplex Desktop computer not a laptop. It takes much less time to clear the password on an OptiPlex than it would to write my comments or than downloading a utility even if it works on Optiplexes

More than one way to skin a cat? Maybe it will help for future reference?

I was gonna post the same link.. I don't know why you have a problem with another solution.. I have all of those downloaded on my computer, and it takes about 15 seconds start to finish to clear bios passwords now. NO looking for jumpers, or reset short points, or pulling cmos batteries for me.

Finally, even with modern computer parts being 99.9% shock proof, if you have a way to do something without touching the insides of a computer, you should.
More than one way to skin a cat? Maybe it will help for future reference?

I was gonna post the same link.. I don't know why you have a problem with another solution.. I have all of those downloaded on my computer, and it takes about 15 seconds start to finish to clear bios passwords now. NO looking for jumpers, or reset short points, or pulling cmos batteries for me.

Finally, even with modern computer parts being 99.9% shock proof, if you have a way to do something without touching the insides of a computer, you should.

I am so comfortable touching the insides; I don't worry, lol. That said, I totally agree when it is a customer's system. When I do work for people, I don't really want to open their computer chassis either... but I just tell them, "No, I won't fix your computer." :D

I didn't say I had a problem. I just pointed out the solution posted seems to be for laptops and is not effective for OptiPlex systems as far as I can tell. If it works; great.

This is what I tried on an OptiPlex 740:
My own utility. Copyright (C) 2007-2010 hpgl, Russia
Short service tag should be right padded with '*' up to length 7 chars
HDD serial number is right 11 chars from real HDDSerNum left padded with '*'
Some BIOSes has left pad HDD serial number with spaces instead '*'
Input: #*******
- No BIOS type found in input string, must be followed by -595B and other regist
Input: #*******1-595B
09.12.2011 19:38 DELL service tag: *******-595B password: 4perjvbk
Input: #*******-D35B
09.12.2011 19:38 DELL service tag: *******-D35B password: 47es0v2h
Input: #*******-2A7B
09.12.2011 19:38 DELL service tag: *******-2A7B password: Af0Qk9M71bDL37R0
Input: #

^^^ I put the real service tag in (not *******) :D None of the passwords above worked.

Pulling the PSWD jumper and turning it on caused the following message:

Password Disabled!

Press F1 to continue. Press F2 to enter setup.

I pressed F2 and it showed the Admin/System password as NOT SET and that the jumper must be replaced before one can be set.

... I replaced the jumper and effectively cleared a test password.
Despite my comment elsewhere on "forgetting how little i once knew about tech stuff" I think this was a poor question to be asking. however the answer was outstanding and certanly more helpfull than this comment