In the past we have covered what are the essential processes needed to run Windows which is useful for allowing you to spot adware/spyware and viruses because you know which ones should be running and
VIEW or W32.Myzor.FK@yf is a new rouge anti-spyware program . When it is installed it hijacks your homepage and creates fake popup messages warning you of a W32.Myzor.FK@yf virus. This infection
VIEW POSTThis guide has been created to instruct readers (both technicians and consumers alike) the proper procedures of installing laptop memory. It includes a step-by-step illustrated guide on the physical steps
VIEW POSTSpyware Quake is a new fake anti-spyware program. Once it is installed it creates fake popup messages designed to fool users into paying for a commercial version of the program. Here are the removal instructions
VIEW POSTThese days with computer games requiring more resources than ever, many people are upgrading their own video cards. Most of the time the video card installtion goes without any troubles – but some
VIEW POSTToday, businesses and schools are the only places where you will find powerful computers, the PC has become a perinant fixture in many homes and some even have more than one. In this article we will talk
VIEW POSTThere are many different types of RAM which have appeared over the years and it is often difficult knowing the difference between them both performance wise and visually identifying them. This article
VIEW POSTA common annoyance that people have with their computers is that their applications such as Internet Explorer don’t scroll smoothly down the page or when they move an application window around the
VIEW POSTA lot of computer technicians are other experienced computer users update their BIOS at some point usually because of a motherboard reporting temperatures wrong, not detecting certain hardware, not working