Unless you offer professional computer repair solely on a volunteer basis, your primary goal in exchange for honest service is payment from your customers. Some technicians prefer to operate on the payment
VIEW POSTThere is a small but still numerous crowd of computer repair technicians that focus solely on profit. In the drive to merely make the most money per job, they dismiss many key factors to building solid
VIEW POSTWhile I’ve been devoting most of my articles recently to the business side of computer repair, there is one topic which I’ve been inundated with emails about as of late. So much so that it nudged me
VIEW POSTThe title of this article may take some readers aback, but I’m targeting this topic in a very genuine manner. Customers that use your services likely have a certain expectation of price, quality, and
VIEW POSTI know I am not alone in the way I manage my computer consulting & repair business FireLogic. Technibble recently surveyed its readers and it was evident that a fair majority of you who happen to run
VIEW POSTTake the best performing websites on Google and pit them against, well, pretty much the rest of the competition. The consistent differentiating factor between websites that sell themselves and ones that
VIEW POSTAs a fellow small computer business owner, I am always on the prowl for new and exciting ways to market my company that don’t break the bank. Don’t get me wrong: word of mouth referrals are still my
VIEW POSTComputer Technicians and small business owners alike are so caught up in the endless game of wanting “more” that they often forget how to shift into a mindset of “less.” More marketing, more customers,
VIEW POSTThe technology industry is, for better or worse, one of the last “critical industries” of industrialized nations that is not formally regulated by government. In the United States, you cannot practice