Previously a saying used by unfortunate men, it also rings true in advertising. From my own personal experience with my own advertising, I can definitely say that bigger is not always better.
VIEW POSTThis one was recommended by our helpful forum member Mac; Belarc Advisor is a free tool that will create a detailed profile of the computer it is run on including a list of currently installed hardware,
VIEW POSTToday I had an onsite computer repair callout where the description was that “the computer was running slow and they installed some stuff”. I get these kind of callouts all the time and it
VIEW POSTThis one was recommended by our helpful forum member Techpro; You buy a brand new brand name PC, boot it up and it greets you with many advertisement icons with free trials and your system tray is full
VIEW POSTOne of the great advantages of being a self employed computer tech is that you can choose your own hours to work. Two months ago, I did just that and went traveling around the world with my girlfriend
VIEW POSTA few posts ago I wrote about spotting advertising opportunities. In this short article I will talk about spotting little tidbits of income you could be making, its nothing that will replace your core
VIEW POSTWhen things go wrong in business, one of the sentences you can expect from a customer is “im going to sue you”. I have personally been threatened once before in the past which you can read
VIEW POSTBack to customer service again, I hear you say to yourself. However , we never send you far wrong, so this week’s foray into keeping good and reliable customer records has got to be worth five minutes
VIEW POSTLast year a friend of mine brought an internet/lan-gaming cafe in a nearby suburb; this year it went bust. A few months before it went bust I asked him “hows business?” and he said “slow”.