A lot of computer technicians are other experienced computer users update their BIOS at some point usually because of a motherboard reporting temperatures wrong, not detecting certain hardware, not working
VIEW POSTWhen you startup a Windows NT, 2000 or XP based machine (which are all based on a similar set of code), the computer is loading and juggling many files in order to load the operating system. This is a
VIEW POSTAntiSpywareBox is a new trojan/virus that has been infecting users PCs which is a variant of the trojans AntiSpyLab and SpyFalcon which we have written about in the past. There are many posts on other
VIEW POSTMSCONFIG is a special tool built into your Windows called “Microsoft System Configuration Utility” or “MSCONFIG”. MSCONFIG is designed to help you troubleshoot problems with your
VIEW POSTA lot of users frequently ask if their computers are running too hot and want to know their maximum temperature for their CPU is. This article will show you how to monitor your processors temperature and
VIEW POSTThis is one of the best tips I have learnt in my 4 years of computer repair and it is probably the most simple and effective one.
VIEW POSTThere will be times when the amount of hardware RAM you have will not provide your computer with all the memory it needs even if you have more than 1gig of RAM. This is where virtual memory comes into
VIEW POSTEarlier this week, a friend inconvenienced by a response to an security incident. The IT Services department (of his University) noticed an attack over the weekend, and as a result several user accounts
VIEW POSTA few weeks ago we translated the Windows XP license agreement from legal-jargon to English and have had readers ask specific questions about what they are allowed to do with their copies of Windows XP.