Any computer repair technician should be able to properly recycle an old customer PC after wiping it effectively. But this shouldn’t be the only course of action to recommend to customers. Perhaps
VIEW POSTIt seems like we are barely dipping our toes into the 802.11n territory these days, and another new wireless standard is about to crack us on the nose. While widespread adoption for a new 802.11ac standard
VIEW POSTGuest Post by Marco Rodi: Marco Rodi owns an IT Engineering university degree. He has his own computer repair business (OrdiRodi) that mainly does Apple Support. So you receive a call from a client saying
VIEW POSTWhat is a Rootkit? A rootkit is a software program that enables attackers to gain administrator access to a system. On Unix/Linux system, this is called “root” access. Rootkits contain tools and code
VIEW POSTPenetration testing is a fascinating subject. Learning how to ethically hack a system in order to find vulnerabilities and prevent malicious hackers from taking advantage of an exploit is a dream for those
VIEW POSTRootkits are becoming more prevalent and more difficult to find. Technicians need to be aware of the best software tools that will detect and remove this elusive software. Here is a list of rootkit removal
VIEW POSTIn our last post we asked what everyones most liked and hated brands are. We got a fantastic response from our readers with some very interesting responses. I have gone through all of the
VIEW POSTThere is a huge percentage of Computer Technicians out there know how to fix both laptops and desktops. However, the problem with repairing laptops is getting them apart. There are often screws hidden
VIEW POSTIn part 1 of “Scripting Your Own Computer Repair Tools”, I showed you how to create scripts that make use of certain applications. In part 2 I showed you how to make scripts to manipulate files. In