Accounting is a word that will make most computer technicians shudder. We start our own computer businesses because of our technical prowess, we can build a complete computer in under 15 minutes and know
VIEW POSTHave you ever seen large businesses hand out promotional material with their name on it such as calendars, mousepads, pens, notepads, hats, shirts etc..? I am sure most of us have at some point and there
VIEW POSTWhen you first had the dream of setting up your own computer store or workshop, you may have dreamt about some nice leather swivel chairs, big oak tables, lines of filing cabinets and having the whole
VIEW POSTWhen our family tech shop first started out, it was co-managed/owned ““ by what effectively was Ying and Yang of stock control (and we’ll leave the names as such to protect the guilty!).
VIEW POSTIf you started working with computers doing jobs for a family friends and then eventually turned it into a fully fledged computer business one big thing will change; you are the end of the road when something
VIEW POSTIn this article we talk about becoming a reseller, how to keep your prices down (and your profits up) and the dangers to watch out for.
VIEW POSTPreviously a saying used by unfortunate men, it also rings true in advertising. From my own personal experience with my own advertising, I can definitely say that bigger is not always better.
VIEW POSTOne of the great advantages of being a self employed computer tech is that you can choose your own hours to work. Two months ago, I did just that and went traveling around the world with my girlfriend
VIEW POSTA few posts ago I wrote about spotting advertising opportunities. In this short article I will talk about spotting little tidbits of income you could be making, its nothing that will replace your core