Why the Crowdstrike Outage is a Golden Opportunity for MSPs - Technibble

Why the Crowdstrike Outage is a Golden Opportunity for MSPs

  • 07/20/2024

If you are a Managed Service Provider, you’ve likely heard about the recent Crowdstrike outage. A bad cybersecurity software update disrupted major brands around the globe.

Many businesses just learned how damaging downtime can be, while those unaffected are questioning their preparedness and wondering how they would handle a similar scenario. As a managed service provider, you can offer guidance in this situation.

Seize the Moment with Newsjacking

Newsjacking is a piggybacking technique that involves jumping onto a trending news story and making it relevant to your brand.

By tapping into the buzz around the Crowdstrike outage, you can position yourself as an expert in business continuity planning. It’s all about being timely and relevant.

It’s also about more than just your current audience seeing your content; people are currently searching for it, so there is an opportunity to grow your audience too.

Get your prospects thinking about what would happen if they had a similar outage.

  • How much money would they lose?
  • How much damage would they have to their reputation?
  • How long would it take to catch up on the work missed?
  • When will something like this happen again, and will they survive the next one?

You’ll miss the opportunity if you take too long to write content yourself. Our Technibble Marketing Membership has tons of ready-to-use content about business continuity, so you can strike while the iron is hot.

We have one of the largest libraries of MSP content, including ready-to-publish articles, social media content, landing pages, videos, and more.

Why Now is the Perfect Time

The Crowdstrike incident is fresh in everyone’s minds, making it the perfect time to discuss business continuity. By sharing timely and relevant content, you can show that you’re not just reacting to events but are prepared and proactive.

Such newsworthy events like Crowdstrike don’t come around often; you’d be crazy not to turn it into an opportunity for growth and trust in your services.

If you want to get the jump on it, you can learn more about our marketing membership here.


