A little old lady and Linux


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I had a call today to clean up, straighten out and explain the details on a desktop with Win10 and a laptop with Win7. It was out on a rural farm today and the lady was in her late 70s (early 80s?). She was actually very good with her computers. A real Tech Ninja Jr. After we were about done she kinda looks around furtively and whispered in my ear - "Do you know anything about Linux?" (Like it as some new designer drug.) "My friends and son use it and say its great and I should try it." Heh - There went another 1/2 hour but long story short I left her with a Mint Mate DVD running live and set the BIOS (she already had legacy boot enabled) to boot from DVD first. She was set to explore for awhile - no install yet and knew she could pull out the DVD and go back to Windows at any time. Very happy camper.
I started with slackware. Went to Redhat. Then to Fedora for a while. Ive tried quite a few and settled on Mint for my daily driver and CentOS for my server.

@Diggs - A whole new world for her at 70. I bet she loves it!