After Win10 update, Defender quick scan broke


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After the recent update (pushed to my system this morning, my time....noticed a Defender quick scan now only scans 23 files, and is done in...4 seconds

Certainly not 'normal', and many other folks reporting the same thing..

(Perhaps it is an improvement, where MS does not bother to scan files previously scanned that have not been written to/modified since last scan, etc...; I'm not declaring it 'broken' per se, just drastically different....)

Google searches on this subject bring up nothing....

After this story, I saw a Defender definitions update, eagerly ran the scan again, and.....<drumroll>...23 files scanned...

another Defender definitions update, and,....

Yayyyy, lengthy, 26-27K file scans restored!

Glorious 8 hour fix, MS!!! (to what yuze broke!) :)
The bug is entirely the fault of the virus definitions.

It has nothing to do with the version of Defender, or even Windows 10 come to that. Exactly the same problem is seen in Windows 7 with Microsoft Security Essentials.

After updating the virus definitions to 1.301.1645.0 (MSE and Defender use the same definition files)