Anybody else's AV flagging AdwCleaner 3.024 as bad?


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Eagle River, Wisconsin, USA
I've spent the last couple of hours trying to download the newest version of AdwCleaner, both through Ketarin and downloading it manually. Every single time, Avast! flags it as Win32: Dropper-gen.

I've attempted to get version 3.024 from BleepingComputer and one other site whose name escapes me at the moment. Incidentally, I downloaded version 3.023 from c|net with no issues.

Has this happened to anyone else, or is it just me? Could it be a false positive?

Edit: originally listed MajorGeeks as one of the sites I tried, but could only find 3.023 on there.
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I would say adwcleaner is being flagged falsely. I know rogue killer sometimes gets flagged by Norton. I've gone on calls and client's Norton deleted rogue killer as you try to download it.
I would say adwcleaner is being flagged falsely. I know rogue killer sometimes gets flagged by Norton. I've gone on calls and client's Norton deleted rogue killer as you try to download it.
That's what my Avast! was doing with AdwCleaner.

I just downloaded 3.024 from BleepingComputer & shows that it's clean.
OK, thanks. I'll give it another shot. Probably just something weird in my AV then.

edit: just grabbed it off BleepingComputer as well, and it downloaded without a hitch. Thanks again, guys.
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