Bent New Mobo, A-XMP vs EXPO


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Northern Michigan
MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk WiFi.

The bottom of the mobo has a bit of a bend that prevents it from being able to sit snug on the bottom row's three standoffs - there's a good sized gap. I screwed them in until the board started to bend and then unscrewed them a tiny bit so they aren't stressing the board. Apparently, this is a somewhat common issues that is not usually an issue. Should I be concerned? I think a longer standoff would be helpful.

Are MSI mobos a good product? Imagine buying a $1,250 Godlike mobo and it was bent.

There are two choices for RAM OC'ing - A-XMP or EXPO. I can't much of anything regarding A-XMP. Maybe the 'A' stands for AMD and it makes the mobo compatible with the XMP OC'ing.

MSI displayed a pop-up asking if I wanted to install Norton 360. Boooo hissss!!! Lol.
I know for the longest time AMD and Intel boards both used some preset memory overclock system and in the last maybe 5 years AMD finally released their own version of this preset overclock that MOBO & Memory manufacturers have started implementing so I believe that is the A-XMP vs EXPO where many AMD board probably still retain both for legacy compatibility for older CPUs and Memory. I have no clue if there is any real gain using AMDs version with an AMD system vs what we have had for some time that has to my experience worked fine on both CPUs. I don't recall who uses what terminology right now to say what is what with those memory spec presets.
The bottom of the mobo has a bit of a bend that prevents it from being able to sit snug on the bottom row's three standoffs - there's a good sized gap.
The only time I've had this is when the standoffs aren't all the same height. Are you sure they're all the same height? Are there any standoffs built into the case that might be a different height?
View attachment 16682

Implies to me that the MB is really rigid. So a permanent bend? Back to the vendor ASAP.

Since it has a three year warranty, I guess I wouldn’t worry about it too much as long as it stays working good. Hopefully if there’s any issues they would crop up before the thirty day return window closed.

The only time I've had this is when the standoffs aren't all the same height. Are you sure they're all the same height? Are there any standoffs built into the case that might be a different height?

The bottom three standoffs are from the client’s old gaming rig. I measured them with a millimeter ruler and they were the same.

I placed the mobo on a table and saw it bending upwards at the bottom.

I read online that this isn’t usually an issue unless it’s a major bend or if you have stability issues.
MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk WiFi.

The bottom of the mobo has a bit of a bend that prevents it from being able to sit snug on the bottom row's three standoffs - there's a good sized gap. I screwed them in until the board started to bend and then unscrewed them a tiny bit so they aren't stressing the board. Apparently, this is a somewhat common issues that is not usually an issue. Should I be concerned? I think a longer standoff would be helpful.

Are MSI mobos a good product? Imagine buying a $1,250 Godlike mobo and it was bent.

There are two choices for RAM OC'ing - A-XMP or EXPO. I can't much of anything regarding A-XMP. Maybe the 'A' stands for AMD and it makes the mobo compatible with the XMP OC'ing.

MSI displayed a pop-up asking if I wanted to install Norton 360. Boooo hissss!!! Lol.
Sorry did you bend the board when screwing it in or was it already am confused? It won't be an issue persay as long as no traces are broken on the board itself.
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Sorry did you bend the board when screwing it in or was it already am confused? It won't be an issue persay as long as no traces are broken on the board itself.

It was already bent. I bent it down towards the screws just a smidge when installing the screws into the standoffs. I stopped screwing as soon as I saw the board being bent down and then unscrewed the screw a bit so it wasn't pressing down on the board.
Might just pick up some small rubber or plastic washers from a hardware store if you plan to use the board as is and just want better support w/o putting any stress on it by just screwing it down.
That's a great idea, did not think of that. The small rubber fan silencer grommets that come with mobos and cases would be ideal.
Many occasions Ive made plastic/rubber washers for small jobs using a piece of plastic/rubber tubing; like the tubing used for airlines on fish tanks.

Just cut it to the length you need. I try to use tubing that fits the screw, so when the screw is tightened (not overtightened) is squashes a little.
Return it now. That bent board will be called user abuse when it fails and your warranty will be denied.

Well that stinks. Too late now. The guy bought the stuff over a month ago and he’s like 7 hours away now for college. He’s had the computer since August 8th and has not had any complaints. Fingers crossed that it stays that way.