Beware KB5044284 - upgrading 2022 servers to 2025


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Pittsburgh, PA - USA
Saw this from a Reddit post today. Apparently some RMM systems are classifying this as an "Optional Update" as opposed to an "Upgrade", so depending on the settings in your Patch Management system, you might unwittingly upgrade your servers.

We don't auto-approve anything "Optional", although I did double-check - this would be an unpleasant surprise for sure.
It looks like this was a two-party problem. Microsoft made a classification mistake or typo in their database, something like that, and Heimdal Patch Management pushed the patch to their clients with servers. I still blocked it in our RMM, but luckily, it looks like the problem was limited to folks using Heimdal.
Thank you for the clarification as a Systems Admin for a Dealership of 130+ I was pushing out GPO block. But I did read online that Microsoft has since pulled the update.