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Hello, anyone that have paid for this software? Can you share your feedback? Is it usable or not? Thank you
I wouldn't touch that software with a proverbial 10 footer. 1-2 star ratings, bricked computers... and why?

General rule of thumb: Leave the BIOS alone unless you are trying to correct a problem that is specifically mentioned as "Fixed" due to the BIOS upgrade.

BIOSAgentPlus scans your computer to see which BIOS programs are up to date and which have updates available. After just a quick scan with this program, you'll know exactly what updates you need and what programs you don't have to worry about.

Wow. How many "BIOS Programs" are there for a singular computer?

If you want a BIOS upgrade or to check it take note of it a boot time and search the manufacturers website for updates.
Yeh. I'd only ever go direct to the manuf website for that model too for a bios update. If it goes wrong you can't just system restore or roll back a driver. Its quite often good night vienna
So your opinion is based on what? Name of software or fear of using it? I just used the free version and it detected a new bios version. I looked at vendor driver site and there was nothing. Then i looked at EU vendor driver site - nothing. Then i used google and i score - Asia vendor driver site has a bios update. It detected also all my hardware and checked for drivers. The price is under 30 USD. I am just asking for a feedback from this well known forum...
Do us a review then :)

We were just talking purely about bios updates as a general rule.

I'm happy not risking bricking a board by checking manually as and when beneficial
I cant make a review for software that i never used. I am asking about the paid version , not for the free one. Also i didnt used the software for bios update, but just for checking. The time needed to find bios updates for every device is too much if you have some good software that can check for you in 30 seconds... And i dont mean to offend you or someone... Sorry for that but my English is not best at all :)
My initial impression is its junk software. Along the lines of driver detective etc.

There probably isn't a bios update. They just want your money.

I'd stay away.
The BIOS for the US, EU, Asia may be different BIOS's and you should NOT use one out of your locale or the computer's locale. Do you wonder how some BIOS's could be in a different language? A different bios. Ever seen some technology like encryption TPM chips? Well they are not necessarily world-wide and are forbidden for sale in some countries.. go ahead and install a BIOS that is expecting a TPM chip when it has none and see where it lands you and your customer's machine. Fine with me.

So your opinion is based on what? Name of software or fear of using it?
Um, both? Anything that is messing with your BIOS should be feared - and that includes the manufacturers tools. I welcome you to the forum to ask questions, but it is not for you to request free Google searching, you can do that yourself.
2 Star rating out of 118 votes
"Horrible scam that will brick your computer"
"Do it Yourself, Save a Headache"
"deceptive hook line "Bios available" from eSupport"
"immediately crashed on start up"
"Effects program files on computer"
"It is contaminated with virus threats"

Right from their website:

The company selling the software is ", Inc." - which is the same wonderful company that brings us the scareware/adware/virus laden "DriverAgent" and "RegistryWizard"

Need more?
Bricked Dell using BiosAgentPlus

Don't you get it, this is the same crap software, we as techs, get to take off because it is messing things up. It ALWAYS says it has a newer BIOS update so that you will pay the $30. Don't be gullible.
OK , Now this is something else. It's nothing like your first post. Thank you and this is enough for me to leave this away. Google search and comments in cnet are something different than reply in technibble, that's why i am asking here. Thank you again
Yeah the advice you are getting here is good. Dont know why you're jumping down peoples throats who are trying to assist you by answering your question.

1. never update a BIOS unless you have a specific reason to do so
2. only use manufacturer gear to do it, and make sure its the right BIOS for the machine

Flashing can brick machines, which is why techs generally avoid doing it unless they have to.

Using a 3rd party tool on a BIOS sounds like a great way to create a collection of computer paperweights.
I cant make a review for software that i never used. I am asking about the paid version , not for the free one. Also i didnt used the software for bios update, but just for checking. The time needed to find bios updates for every device is too much if you have some good software that can check for you in 30 seconds... And i dont mean to offend you or someone... Sorry for that but my English is not best at all :)

So a very good answer has been provided to your question, but one question still remains. Why would you be looking for a BIOS update for every device? Very rarely is a BIOS update necessary or even suggested.
Point taken. I just have seen a software that find bios and driver updates , and i felt a need to ask about it. I know very good that i dont need to check or update every device, but a handy software that do the check for me is good. I see that this is not the right way to go for bios...
I agree with what has been said. If the board is working, I do not like to update the bios unless I'm chasing a very specific issue.

Flashing a bios can brick a working motherboard, so you should not do it unless you are either working on your own equipment, or have a good reason to. Even then I would not want to use a 3rd party tool in that case.

As a rule, leave bios updates alone on your client's machines unless the machine is either pretty well dead anyway and you are doing a last ditch effort to save it or there is a very specific complaint that is related to a bios update. Then, use only the bios from the manufacturer.

As stated above, you don't want to have to explain to your customers why their computer that came in for say a cleanup all of a sudden is dead because you did a bios update that was not necessary. Just be careful about what you use. I find a lot of useful information here.