Borderless Printing, Anyone?


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Is there a way to force/trick a printer to print w/o leaving a border? I just purchased a Magicolor 1600W to be able to print business flyers and I had no idea that the border print limitation was such an issue among printers. :(

It would look much more professional if I could print without that white surround.

I just read that my new Magicolor has a .16 margin limitation. Short of cutting all the white edges off with a paper cutter, does anyone have any "override" suggestions? :confused:

For that matter, I don't believe any printer I've ever owned was capable of a borderless print.

Any comments/suggestions welcome. :)
Generally speaking, even if it possible to trick a printer into border less printing, it is not recommended and creates a hell of a mess in the printer. Printers designed to do it have drivers designed to minimize over-spray, sensors to get very precise, on the fly, paper measurements, and most importantly, pads to absorb the over-spray. Telling your printer your paper is 0.25" larger than it actually is might do the trick, but probably not. Even if it does, though, even the first page will come out crappy because of mismanagement of the over-spray. Your rollers will get coated in ink, which will affect many print jobs to come.

Long story short: buy a true border less printer.
You might want to think about professional printing services. Easier then trimming paper plus you can get heavier paper, glossy, etc.

As said above, you really need a printer designed for borderless printing.
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