Bridged network adapter on VMplayer VM - What is "replicate physical net conct stat"?


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Topic says most of it. In VMplayer there is an option to select "bridged" network setting within the VM settings. There is also the option to select "replicate physical state connection state"
Replicate physical network connection state — Select if the virtual machine uses a bridged network connection and if you use the virtual machine on a laptop or other mobile device. As you move from one wired or wireless network to another, the IP address is automatically renewed.

I'm a little confused about this. Would the IP address not be renewed if this is not selected? Is there any downside to having this selected?
It's mainly to update the virtual adapter if you move around. If you are in a wired connection, the adapter would be the ethernet port. But if you then move to a wireless network, the adapter would change and the option updates the virtual adapter.