Buggy program, restart fixes the issue, but only if I reboot it, client reboot does not fix the issue.


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Alrighty, got a weird one here.

Client calls me every few weeks because their main program is bugging out on only one workstation (Sage 300). Like many other strange issues, I login and reboot the computer and the issue is resolved. Client complains, "I already did that".

Today she calls me again, Sage 300 not responding. Explains she has rebooted multiple times, shutdown, unplugged the computer after shutdown, pressed the power button after unplugging. Each time, the result is that the program is still "Not responding".

I asked her to show me how she reboots the computer, and she is in fact rebooting and/or shutting down properly.

I login using Teamviewer, reboot the computer, and the issue is resolved ... EVERY TIME.

I have disabled Fast startup, hibernation, and sleep to see if any of that helps.

Literally the only thing that I do different that I login remotely using Teamviewer and reboot it.

I set her up with a batch file with the shutdown -r command to see if that makes any difference....

Any thoughts on this one?
I suspect that when using TeamViewer it might be putting something in the startup process that is either stopping something from starting up that interferes or adds something to the startup that is needed. Just looking at this from a logic guess here I don't know a lot about Sage to know what might be doing it either.
I suspect that when using TeamViewer it might be putting something in the startup process that is either stopping something from starting up that interferes or adds something to the startup that is needed. Just looking at this from a logic guess here I don't know a lot about Sage to know what might be doing it either.

Teamviewer is always there regardless of whether I reboot it or not. It's a pre-install.
Event logs. What sage programs and services are running on working systems vs the problem unit. Are they same? Everything running the exact same versions? Have you reinstalled Sage?
Me too. But I wasn't going to get in that argument with the tech.

That's why RMM tools exist, and if not on that machine check the uptime.

Of course once proof of a failure to reboot is in hand... what to do with it is another matter.

I find this most often when people "shutdown" a machine then turn it back on to "reboot" it. Which doesn't really shutdown the machine... on Win10 that's SLEEP... doesn't matter what you do to it.

I've had to train a bucket of people on when I say restart, you literally push the restart button! Because it's he only way to get Win10 to actually restart.
doesn't really shutdown the machine... on Win10 that's SLEEP... doesn't matter what you do to it.
If Fast Startup is disabled as per the original post, then shutdown does indeed shut down completely.
Teamviewer is always there regardless of whether I reboot it or not. It's a pre-install.
But maybe it puts another command in the startup to try and re-establish the same session. Not sure why it would make any difference to another app though.
Everybody is locking in on the restart issue, which can still be user ignorance or mere coincidence that it happens to not immediately hang when the tech is watching and not addressing why SAGE is hanging. Fix that and it will not matter if the reboots are happing correctly or not.
When Sage works is it being launched while connected and viewing via TeamViewer or just after doing the reboot and without reconnecting with TeamViewer?
Sage hangs though... it just does. Though I admit, the frequency of the occurrence indicated isn't normal.
Have you spoken with sage support? They’re kind of a joke and it takes a while to get someone with a brain, but then they are generally pretty good.

I have two customers on sage. Sage50 and Sage100. Sage100 we just learned has no built in backup capabilities at all and they only support a full copy of the directory, not incrementals. I wrote a script to zip their directory everyday and then my cloud stuff picks up the zip files.

Sage50 at least had a scheduled built in to do backups! Anyway, I would reach out to sage support and let them have a look.
Have you spoken with sage support? They’re kind of a joke and it takes a while to get someone with a brain, but then they are generally pretty good.

I have two customers on sage. Sage50 and Sage100. Sage100 we just learned has no built in backup capabilities at all and they only support a full copy of the directory, not incrementals. I wrote a script to zip their directory everyday and then my cloud stuff picks up the zip files.

Sage50 at least had a scheduled built in to do backups! Anyway, I would reach out to sage support and let them have a look.
The problem with Sage is that it seems like every edition of their desktop software was acquired from another company. No wonder it's a mess. Sage 50 being from Peachtree, Sage 100 from MAS 90/200 by State of the Art, Sage 300 from ACCPAC by Computer Associates. I'm glad I don't have to deal with Sage anymore.