Can I use a UDM-Pro as a controller ONLY?


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I don't see why I wouldn't be able to but I thought Id ask anyways.

Company A bought Company B and retained me for IT services since I am local and the parent company is out of state.

They want to put in their own WatchGuard router in place of my UDM-Pro so they can create a site to site VPN with their equipment.

My plan is to forget or factory reset all of my Ubiquiti Equipment (48P POE Switch, 3 AP's)
Install their WatchGuard
Hardcode an IP into my UDM-Pro in the new DHCP range provided by the WatchGuard
Login to my UDM with the newly hardcoded IP
Disable DHCP in my UDM
Re-Adopt the AP's and the switch which will then receive DHCP from the WatchGuard (Hopefully)

This will leave the WAN port of my UDM-Pro empty.

I guess I could also just get a Cloud Key V2 or Cloud Key + but the UDM is already there and rack mounted.

I'd imagine a UDM is not capable of getting a local IP from a local DHCP server as it is intended to be used as a gateway and not just a controller?