Cannot boot into XP


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I have a dell laptop that just keeps Blue screening right after you see the Black XP loading screen. The blue screen doesn't really define what is wrong, no IRQ errors or anything. The only thing it realy says is stop 0x0000007b. Also to run a chkdsk /f for errors.

Ive done the following:
Booted up with ubcd4win,
-ran chkdsk, fixboot
-disk checker
-cleared temp files cookies, history, prefect.
-ran avira antivir (found 0 viruses)
-ran malwarebytes (nothing found)
-defragged drive
-removed drive, hooked it up via usb to my PC, ran ESET (found 13 viruses and all cleaned)
-no boot sector viruses
-ran full malwarebytes scan on the drive (externally), found 1 trojan and removed

I still cannot boot into XP, I still get the same stop error. Would anybody have any other suggestions.
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Was there any recent updates?

Was there any recent updates? Updates and malware don't mix well, now a days most rootkits are really bad, also double check your atapi.sys file it seems to be a favorite target of malware lately.

When you slaved the drive did you use BlueSreenView to see what driver or module was loaded when it blue screened? To load a minidump from a different location "options > advanced options"

Have you tried using Dr. Web live CD to scan for malware. I know you said you ran ESET and Avira and MBAM.
I did a windows xp recovery and I Was able to boot to the logon screen but when I click on the user name it keeps saying

"Windows Product Activation - This copy of Windows must be activated with Microsoft before you can log on. Do you want to activate windows now?"

If I click yes i just get a blank blue screen and nothing happens. If I click no i return to the user names and nothing happens.

Do you have Windows XP SP3 installed? I think that is causing the problem.
Try to uninstall it. There's a command prompt command to uninstall SP3.

Let us know!
What chipset is the laptop running--Intel or AMD? I've had clients with AMD machines who've run into problems with SP3 causing blue screens due to an Intel chipset driver being included with their XP installation when the manufacturer imaged the hard drive. SP3 for some reason seems to detect the driver and enable it, causing STOP errors and stuff like that.

Not sure if that's what's happening to you, but if you google "xp sp3 amd" the first result should be an article about the problem, along with some solutions. I'd post the link, but I haven't hit my 15-post threshold yet!

Hope this helps.