Creating several landing pages for google adwords


Reaction score
So I've been working on optimizing my google adwords and I have about 70 keywords with about 30 ads that all point to the same page. Obviously my landing page score is so-so on average so I've been thinking about what can be done.

This is a simple problem for a website that sells merchandise. Just point the different ads to the different landing pages of the product in question. But how does it work for us computer technicians?

I mean to me personally it doesn't make any sense to create several landing pages that are mostly identical on my website. It's going to look messy and it's going to confuse the hell out of anybody. How does such a website even look?

But I think I have a solution and I want your opinion on it. So I take my standard homepage, copy it and modify it so that it's perfectly tailored to that particular ad. Maybe i'll slim it down a little as well. THEN I create a link for that page that is nowhere to be found on the webpage, a so called hidden url. Obviously I will funnel the customer from that page to my prices, contacts, testimonials etc etc from there.

What do you think about it?
Yeah, I agree it's a good idea to have a handful of landing pages the speak to the specific niches or services that your ads are targeting. That way when the person clicks through, they are greeted with a page that speaks to their specific needs.

The landing page doesn't necessarily need to look like your home page. In fact, it probably shouldn't. Instead it can be a page with a description of the specific service you provide to meet their needs based on the keyword, maybe some testimonials from clients who you helped with that particular issue, and then a clear call to action, either a button or a form and phone number, where the person can contact you right away. If they are curious about your company as a whole, then they can click through to the home page to learn more.

And you're right, the landing pages don't necessarily need to be linked-to from anywhere on your main site....they can just exist on their own, not necessarily "hidden" but just not accessible from the main pages on your site.
In order to make AdWords work, your conversion rate needs to be as high as possible. I count a call or email inquiry as a conversion. If only 1/100 people that click on your ad actually call you, and it costs you $2 per click, that's $200 for a single phone call. NOT worth it for our industry. Even a 10% conversion rate means your calls will cost $20 apiece. Still pretty steep. But if you can get your conversion rate somewhere in the 30% to 50% range, you'll be making BANK. That means the whole purpose of your website needs to be to get your visitors to call you. Once you get them on the phone you can sell them.

So how do you get your conversion rate higher? Make laser targeted ads, keywords, and landing pages. Make a page SPECIFICALLY about broken screens, encouraging your visitors to call you. Then make an ad about broken screens and attach relevant keywords. This will convert at a MUCH higher rate then if you just have your visitors visit your homepage that talks about managed services, virus removals, and data recovery.

Do the same thing for every service that you do. People (especially computer illiterate people) expect their Google searches to bring them to the EXACT page they're looking for with the EXACT information they're looking for. If they land on a website that's not exactly what they're looking for, they're not going to hunt around for the information on your homepage. They'll just hit the back button until they find exactly what they were looking for.