Fun with Google Business listing


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Pittsburgh, PA - USA
Haven't seen this one before - a client called today reporting that their Google business listing was suddenly wrong. When you google their business by name, their website is the first search result, but the Google business listing to the right is another company - same industry, but 2 miles away. This Google business listing has all of my client's google reviews. If you search for their company by name in Google Maps, the result is the other company with the pin at the other company's address. If you scroll the map over, there is still a pin for their company, and it seems normal, but you can search for it.

If you go back to the wrong Google Business listing, there is a linked-in link that pulls up a former employee of my client, still listing him as employed at my client's.

So this is either a database problem at Google, or a malicious act by a former employee (which they said they would believe). Only Google can fix this, but I don't envy them the task of trying to get to the right person to actually assist.
Sounds deliberate to me. If the ex-employee had access to edit the Google account, all they had to do was change the name, address, phone, and password to ensure no one else could get in and change it back. The client is definitely not going to enjoy straightening that mess out.