How can my friend protect her laptop's corners from her cats?


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Northern Michigan
My friend works from home and uses a computer for 8+ hours per day. She has two cats. One of them likes to rub her mouth on the laptop's corners and sometimes bites it. She is getting a replacement laptop next month. What product can she place on the corners to protect them from bites?
My friend works from home and uses a computer for 8+ hours per day. She has two cats. One of them likes to rub her mouth on the laptop's corners and sometimes bites it. She is getting a replacement laptop next month. What product can she place on the corners to protect them from bites?
I would just cut a piece of cardboard to fit. If you use anything else, it could get expensive. The cat might even stop chewing, if it doesn't like the taste of cardboard.
This may sound crazy, but what I'd do is, get a jar of jalapeno peppers. Dip a fingertip in the juice and rub just a tiny bit over the area you don't want the cats biting. You can probably wipe off any visible liquid with a tissue. I'm guessing the cat will only bite it once after that, but if it doesn't solve the problem, maybe try a little heavier application.

Oh, and wash your finger very well before you touch your eye. Trust me on that one...
I've used "Vicks Vaporub" on places where my cats like to rub and chew. Not sure how it would go on a laptop but a thin wipe may work. They don't like the smell so they stay away.
And after they get used to not rubbing/biting it you can stop using it.

**Camphor is poisonous to cats in large quantities so don't go overboard with it's application.**

Also you could incorporate both of our ideas. Use the cardboard as @ThatPlace928 suggested and smear a thin layer of Vicks on the inside of the cardboard where they cant lick it but can still smell it.
Honestly, I would hesitate using any liquid on or near the laptop, especially a brand new one. Even if it doesn't ruin anything, it might make the laptop stink for awhile. Set a baby aspirator next to the laptop and press down on the bulb when the cat gets close. They hate air in their faces.
They will just bite it once and move on. One poked a little hole in my laptop's bezel.

Things that might be helpful:

Vinyl Corner Covers

GumDrop Laptop Case

- A cover for the lid

Silicone corner protectors
Cats love chew toys. I don't recommend any type of soft rubber. I have 4 cats. None have ever chewed on any of my laptops, on display or otherwise.
Another idea: Take pieces of scotch tape and make them into loops with the sticky facing out. Put 2 or 3 of those wherever the cat likes to bite. I do that with packing tape to train cats not to jump on kitchen counters, or just lay pieces of tape on the counter with the sticky facing up. They really hate stuff sticking to them. They may have to hit it a few times before they learn permanently, but I haven't had to do it for years.
And if that doesn't work, make a mixture of cayenne pepper with water....paint it on...let it try.
Back years ago I lived on a house on the water with a small front yard, stone wall, and a thin strip of grass 'tween the stone wall and the road. People that lived in the neighborhood that would walk their dogs...well, I'd often find poops in that strip of grass. I bought a big jug of cayenne pepper....started sprinkling that in the grass up against the stone wall. re-apply weekly. Dogs will start sniffing the ground when they get the urge to piss or pinch one...they'll circle a spot before they squat or lift a leg. Yeah..the cayenne put a halt to that pretty quick. All animals not fond of the smell or taste.
Get a cucumber.