I want a secondary data only plan + 5G booster


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Northern Michigan
I have an iPhone 14 Pro with Visible by Verizon service that gives me unlimited 5G data (5G millimeter is $10 extra), unlimited 5 Mbps mobile hotspot, and unlimited talk + text for just $15 per month (1-year promo rate, then $25). It's probably the best budget deal out there. I use it as a mobile hotspot sometimes with my laptop. The speeds could be better.

I wish I had faster mobile hotspot data. Is there a great option out there to add mobile hotspot-only data to my phone using the second E-SIM that's available rather than getting a different service than Visible? Verizon 5G is very sparse around here. I'd rather have hotspot data from T-Mobile or ATT at least for now until Verizon 5G expands. Rather use my phone than a dedicated hotspot device.

I am at my girlfriend's parent's house in the country with 1-2 bars of Verizon/Visible LTE coverage. They have very slow Hughes Net that isn't even working and has a 5GB data allowance per day so I am not using it. My laptop is connected to my phone's hotspot and I am wishing the experience were faster. Was thinking that maybe I should buy something like the WeBoost Drive Reach 5G booster for my phone as it does not have to be mounted, although their website states that it's only for use in a car, which makes no sense.

Thoughts? Suggestions?
I can't remember whether Verizon has "gone GSM" by now or not. If your phone is a GSM device, you have the option of getting a T-Mobile SIM as your second option and using their 5G hotspot service if you have T-Mobile coverage.

I used the two phones in our household as our connections to the internet for at least 3 years, and although we had "unlimited high speed internet" on the phones themselves, the hotspots were limited to 20GB per month at high speed, then it dropped down to much lower speeds until your next billing cycle. At the moment I'm using a dedicated 5G mobile hotspot from T-Mobile which we can get on the 55+ plan we signed up under several years ago for $30/month, which is darned hard to beat. I see the "bar for entry" has gone up from $45/line to $50/line for the closest to what I have service plan, but they have up to 50GB of 4G LTE data via hotspot per month, and here even 4G LTE speeds are quite good.

I don't know how much of a bump in cost is associated with single line only (nor for being under 55 if you're a single line holder).
I use it as a mobile hotspot sometimes with my laptop. The speeds could be better.

They have very slow Hughes Net that isn't even working and has a 5GB data allowance per day so I am not using it. My laptop is connected to my phone's hotspot and I am wishing the experience were faster.
I have Visible, too, and have had it for about 5-6 years. $25 per month is awesome for unlimited hotspot so I don't see myself changing or acquiring a 2nd hot spot device. I have internet at my shop but I use my phone for internet at home. There, I hot spot to my TV and can tether to a laptop for the times I bring work home.

The best way to use it for your laptop is to tether it directly, instead of using it as a hotspot. Tethering provides a direct and better signal. You can use the hot spot and tethering at the same time, if you need it for 2 devices but you do have to be within range of a Verizon tower with a strong signal.

BTW, HughesNet is the absolute worst. Maybe there's a better option for them out there or perhaps a better option is heading their way soon.
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I have Visible, too, and have had it for about 5-6 years. $25 per month is awesome for unlimited hotspot so I don't see myself changing or acquiring a 2nd hot spot device. I have internet at my shop but I use my phone for internet at home. There, I hot spot to my TV and can tether to a laptop for the times I bring work home.

The best way to use it for your laptop is to tether it directly, instead of using it as a hotspot. Tethering provides a direct and better signal. You can use the hot spot and tethering at the same time, if you need it for 2 devices but you do have to be within range of a Verizon tower with a strong signal.

BTW, HughesNet is the absolute worst. Maybe there's a better option for them out there or perhaps a better option is heading their way soon.

Do you mean that I would get better speeds by connecting my iPhone to my laptop with a USB cable? They can share Internet that way - a wired connection? I will have to try this! Hopefully this is not considered hotspot data because then I can get much better speeds (same speed the phone itself gets!)

Googling this led me to an article on Speedify. Might have to try that out - would let me use multiple ISPs (e.g., iPhone + crappy Hughes Net) for even better speeds.
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Do you mean that I would get better speeds by connecting my iPhone to my laptop with a USB cable? They can share Internet that way - a wired connection? I will have to try this! Hopefully this is not considered hotspot data because then I can get much better speeds (same speed the phone itself gets!)

Googling this led me to an article on Speedify. Might have to try that out - would let me use multiple ISPs (e.g., iPhone + crappy Hughes Net) for even better speeds.
Not necessarily better speeds but a better connection that can assist the speed already there. When you hot spot without a direct connection, you lose a little between devices. But try it and see if it helps. Never heard of Speedify.
WeBoost says:

Thanks for reaching out. A vehicle unit would be more portable than a home unit, but a vehicle unit is not designed for home/hotel use. It would become a complicated install process and will likely result in limited performance.
I guess I will just stick with using the unlimited 5 Mbps Visible hotspot as it's dirt cheap! Sure wish they offered a higher-tier plan with faster hotspot speeds.

If I were willing to pay more, I would be interested in US Mobile as they offer Verizon 5G unlimited phone data with 50GB of premium hotspot data for $50 per month. Verizon offers the best service in my area and surrounding areas.

My nearby city recently got Verizon 5GB UW and it almost reaches me. Hope they keep expanding it! Love me some warp-speed 5G!
If I were willing to pay more
I don't know what kind of deal you're hoping to score, or if price is much more the driving factor than speed.

You could get Starlink, which can be very fast just about anywhere you are. But it's $120 a month plus equipment.

Verizon and T-Mobile both offer a home router / modem that connects to cellular on the WAN side. Verizon has been offering it for $25 a month to existing customers. It's 5G and unlimited. But the places they sell it are limited. Don't know if you can order it one place and if it will work if you move it somewhere else.
Red Pocket is a tempting option. Can get 30GB of high-speed data for $25 per month with annual plan and that includes up to 30GB of hotspot data at full speed.