Imaging program that can boot with UEFI Windows 8/8.1


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So as the title says, I'm curious if anyone knows any imaging program that can boot a system with a UEFI bios. Have a client with a failing drive in his laptop, and at this point I've just replaced the drive and done a Nuke and Pave.

I had used backupper as I've had good luck with it before, and had read that it was ok to use for commercial use according to what I'd seen on their website as well. Tried to boot the system, no dice. I disabled Secureboot/UEFI, booted, was able to successfully create an image of the drive, so I've got the data. But made the image, replaced drive, dropped the image back onto the new drive, re-enabled Secureboot/UEFI, system would not boot. I pulled out my handy Windows 8.1 install disc, booted the computer with that thinking I'll run startup repair, no dice. It attempts repair, but then fails and won't allow me to proceed.

I attempted to do a refresh, but got the message stating "The drive where Windows is installed is locked. Unlock the drive and try again"

Tried to run BCDboot repair commands I found online but could not get it working that way. Not sure how to get the drive unlocked except for formatting it or destroying the partition table, which would effectively format it. I ended up just simply blowing the new drive I'd put in away and reformatted, but just wondering if there are any other tools I need to be looking at or did I do something wrong? With Windows 7 this was so much easier, just clone it, drop the image on the new drive, run startup repair and done. Or drive to drive copy with ddrescue. Which I read may not work since they weren't sure ddrescue could see gpt disks.

Would I be better off I wonder in the future to simply set up a workstation and just simply leave the side off of it and have 3-4 power cables and sata cables hanging out and just try to do the clone disk to disk directly without having to worry as much about UEFI and all that hopefully?
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I've recently changed form using Storagecraft Shadow Protect, to using Active Image Protector from NetJapan. Definately a step forward. Have a look at the product, which has full EUFI support

You'll have to change the country in the top right hand of the web page.


Andy how are you finding netjapan?

Have had rep on a few times and seriously considering a move away from storagecraft but can never find the time to try them out.
Personally, I really like it! It's fully scriptable, and they have a UK office that is manned by real people. I went to their office just before Christmas, as my account manager invited me down to say Thank You for the help I'd given them setting up the UK operation, and getting them recognised in the UK.

I actually ended up repairing her laptop as well :D

Give Nicholas a call, and drop my name. 0203 608 2710 Ext 211

Just an update, did a bit more digging. I found out that with backupper, if you are using that, for example like me, I have it installed on a machine that has Windows 8, but still has the traditional non uefi bios. Typically if needed I would create a bootable usb/cd from that machine to boot another machine I was creating an image of or needed to restore an image to.

What I found is that with backupper if you choose to use that, if your machine does not have the uefi bios/secure boot, apparently you only can create the bootable media that is for a traditional pc without uefi bios. If you however have a pc that does have the uefi bios/secure boot, then backupper will give you the option to create media that will boot a pc with a traditional bios OR media to boot a pc with uefi bios. Just a finding. Wish I would have known this previously.
I generally just use a 8.1 via USB and pick up drivers missing afterwards - usually just only one - being a Radio Controller Interface.
A restart and windows update generally resolves it in itself :P