import PST into Outlook 2016 with IMAP


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Vancouver BC
Outlook 2016 setup 8 IMAP email accounts how do I import the pst file that has contacts, calendar etc.

I looked in outlook folder in app data did not see a pst file

I did export the contacts and calendar etc. from old computer to pst files and imported into 2016

I guess they are now in the ost file

But I would like to import pst file and make it default as it has other settings in it and is 2 gig in size.

I know this a newby question but all my clients are still with pop

I used to setup email account and swap the outlook.pst for the empty one then it was job done

I know I could connect it as a data file like an archive
IMAP stores emails in the OST, but IMAP does not store contacts per se. Don't have one handy to look at but I seem to remember you can export the existing contacts which are stored locally. Not sure if it's in a .pst file already.
I managed to import contacts and calendar but did not see a pst file so assumed it imported into an .ost file also looked in docs/outlook files it was empty. I could leave it like that but unfortunately, I am a perfectionist and have to do things right no matter what I am being paid.
I always thought when you have IMAP you have a pst as well for contacts etc.

I am getting a lot of work from CL since all the little computer shops have closed down due to lack of business, the bigs shops that are left can charge what they like, it's not all bottom of the barrel on CL
all my family have tablets or phone and would have none other

Thanks for the reply

Lisa would know