Is anyone doing a N&P of XP Home/Pro anytime soon?


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Christchurch, New Zealand
Hi guys

I was just after a lil' favour if anyone going to be doing a reinstall of XP in the next few days ..

I'm after the default services for Home/Pro in a batch file.

Heres the batch file here...
@echo off
@echo Backing up all services 'Startup Type' current state

REM Get current date and time
for /f "tokens=1, 2, 3, 4 delims=-/. " %%j in ('Date /T') do set FILENAME=Services_%%j_%%k_%%l_%%m
for /f "tokens=1, 2 delims=: " %%j in ('TIME /T') do set FILENAME=%FILENAME%_%%j_%%k.bat

REM Get all service name
sc query type= service state= all| findstr /r /C:"SERVICE_NAME:" >tmpsrv.txt
echo Saving Service Start State In %FILENAME% ...

REM save service start state into batch file 
echo @echo Restore The Service Start State Saved At %TIME% %DATE% >"%FILENAME%" 
echo @pause >>"%FILENAME%"

for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%j in (tmpsrv.txt) do @( sc qc %%j |findstr  START_TYPE >tmpstype.txt &&  for /f "tokens=4 delims=:_ " %%s in (tmpstype.txt) do @echo sc config  %%j start= %%s >>"%FILENAME%")
echo @pause >>"%FILENAME%"

del tmpsrv.txt
del tmpstype.txt

echo Services Start State Saved in %FILENAME%.
@ping -n 3 -w 10 > nul
Save this with a .bat extension.

If someone would be kind enough to run it, it will generate another batch file with the default services.

Thanks in advance,

I installed XP Home a couple of days ago. I've only installed the updates and and AVG Free. Do you still want me to run that batch file for you?
I'm pretty sure doin' that wouldn't change any of the service startup states.

Yeah.. give it a crack and send me the code if you don't mind. I'll cross-reference it just to be sure @, but at least it will save me typing the code out lol ! I've done almost 1000 lines in the last 3 days on my new script ..

Thanks Dave
Can do you a copy off a fresh Dell install anytime if Dave's is not OK.

Let me know which Service Pack you want and Home or Pro.

PM an email to send it to.
Methical, I sent that to your personal folder messages, did you get it ? The entire list is in there. :)
I was able to avoid a N&P. It was tough fight, but in the end I won :p

Methical, I sent that to your personal folder messages, did you get it ? The entire list is in there. :)

Yes I got it PcTek.. Was just goin' to go over it, and see if it was different to the listing on the page.


SP2 and SP3 Home and Pro should do. ( I haven't seen XP SP1 in AGES ! )
If you want to email it to me, I'll PM you my address ..
I'll do them over the weekend (remember my w/e is a day later than yours).

Unless I hear otherwise I won't bother with drivers, just do a fresh install from Dell disks?

I don't know if it's possible to send files through the forum, otherwise let me have an email by PM.
