[SOLVED] Laptop freezes or reboots when moved (even in BIOS)?


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I am working on a Dell N5050 that I backed up, wiped, and reloaded. I initially thought everything was good to go, but it appears to have an issue the user brought to my attention. When it is physically moved, the laptop will either completely lock up or reboot. I didn't notice this at first as I typically don't move the machine around while I am working on it. It stays on my bench.

I can recreate the issue every time by picking the machine up and rocking it side to side, front to back. It will occur no matter where in the boot-up process it is, i.e. splash screen, loading Windows, or in the OS.

My initial thought was the hard drive. I've taken it out scanned it and reseated it with no luck. Has anyone ever experienced this before, or should I just chalk it up to a bad motherboard and move on?

Thank you for any insight.
If it seems to be when you place pressure with your hands, it's a cold solder joint most likely.

If it's literally only the angle that effects it, I'd say it's something conductive touching the motherboard, possibly from the hinge?
This call is going to be a PITA. Obviously a hardware issue since it chokes before Win loads.

I know some manufacturers have an utility that parks the HDD's heads when it senses movement but I would think the OS would have to be fully loaded although some HDD's also have a movement sensor independent of the OS. Did you move the HDD around while testing it?

You're going to have to open up the case and look around. Reseat everything. Tap various components and cables while the system is powered on and maybe you'll find the fault.

Good luck with this nightmare!
Remove hard drive completely to test. Test with Live CD etc.
Plus 1 for NYJimbo's suggestion. We constantly fish metal clips out of the newer Dell craptops.
Could be a board/solder issue but I've also had issues with the screen cable getting pinched or rubbing against the metal hinge assembly and causing this kind of problem. Not on that model specifically but it's something to check.

We like breaking the laptop down to its barest minimum to get it working, outside of the case and if it's OK build it back up step by step until we can reproduce the problem.
One more thing to keep in mind is that many laptops have that weird pinkish/golden/salmon colored paint job on the inside top/palm or base plastic. That paint is conductive. I think they use it as some kind of ground, so if you have something positive on the mobo that comes in contact with that paint it can also cause it to short.
Good thought NYJimbo, I usually just place insulation tape over the board just to rule that out, if it solves it, great. Keep the insulation tape there, heck, you didn't design the casing.
I second the possibility of a cold solder joint. Also if the laptop has ever been taken apart, someone could have put a long screw where a short was supposed to be. This can cause a short if the screw is touching something it shouldn't be. Sometimes this causes damage to the motherboard.
One more thing to keep in mind is that many laptops have that weird pinkish/golden/salmon colored paint job on the inside top/palm or base plastic. That paint is conductive. I think they use it as some kind of ground, so if you have something positive on the mobo that comes in contact with that paint it can also cause it to short.

This is gold right here. Knowing about crap like this is what separates the professionals from the rest. Store this away and if it ever factors into a repair, remember where you heard it and send Jimbo a nice bottle of scotch! :D
Thank you all for the awesome tips. I did tear the laptop completely down removing all components including the motherboard.

I blew it all out real well with my datavac. Returned everything to its home, and everything seems fine on my movement tests.

No more freezing, no more rebooting.
No more freezing, no more rebooting.
Yes. Until next time... DUN DUN DUNNN !!!!