OK so you just have all local profiles....so no biggie here if you do a migration, profiles remain intact.
Now moving onto a different topic, ALL THOSE OTHER STEPS of doing a migration from SBS to 2016 Essen.
SBS has a TON of stuff in there that, "to do a migration right"...needs to be cleaned up
A unique OU structure, and defaults for new computers and new users
A ton of SBS specific GPOs
Lots of SBS-centric DNS entries
And often the prior IT place did a messy upgrade to SBS...so you can have a list of lingering issues in AD to clean up from sloppy prior migrations
Often MS Exchange is still left in active directory....it was not properly uninstalled and removed.
Sometimes, especially if their setup is simple like this one sounds, and not a lot of users, I sometimes just bring in a brand new server with all new active directory and just pull workstation from old domain and put on new domain. Easy enough to move over documents, desktop, pictures, faves, all that easy peasy stuff in user libraries. Since you have O365 email is all easy. Printers..can just deploy via GPO from new server
Moving user profiles...just get the data...cherry pick what's needed. Yeah some users may lose a desktop wallpaper..they can make a new one. Business data is important, person settings..nice if you can get it, but if not..ah well...it wasn't business related in the first place.
There are profile movers like that ForensiIT thing...all that does is repoint the new profile in the registry to the old profile. I've had too many quirks from using that that have bitten me in the arse...so I'll never use those profile movers again. Should have always stuck to my believe of "only move what you need to get". Better off starting with a fresh clean profile, and not bringing over junk and glitches from the old profile.