NAS Drive Data Recovery - Drive is functional - Cant get data!


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Hey all... customer had a seagate 'personalcloud' NAS device - power plug got loose - they messed with it - ended up taking the drive out of the NAS enclosure, and now I am tasked with getting data.

Connected to my bench system via SATA, no drive letters show up. diskmgmt shows partitions on the drive - just no letters assigned by windows.

Ran getdataback - let it go through its HOURS long process (3TB drive) - it finds data - but when I extract/copy that data to another drive - the jpg files all dont open...

I even tried a 'nas' recovery program that was supposed to be quick and easy - and it didn't see anything.

Is there an easy step I am missing here? First time messing with a NAS drive from seagate.

Thanks for any ideas!!
The partition where the data resides is 2.x TB - but the data recovery programs keep finding a 233gb 'partition'... I don't know if they can't handle such a large drive??
Ok - randomly thought about Parted Magic - and I have booted to it, and it appears to show the 3TB partition, and even showed some thumb nails from the photos there! So that is step 1... copying data now, and going to test viewing it in windows!
I could be wrong, but I'm 99% sure most of those NAS boxes run some variant of Linux, *BSD or something related internally. They're not going to be using any filesystem that Windows would recognize.

Also, at least their business ones are (were?) apparently running EXT4, but possibly with an unusual blocksize? See but one of the important links in there appears to go to a now-defunct site.

I also saw references to their NAS OS Rescue & Recovery bootable USB options, but that sounds like it's on the business systems and anything "personalcloud" sounds consumer.
There is no such thing as a nas drive it's just a regular hard drive that was put in a nas.

Now if the Nas is running a raid array your talking about a different story all together.

Probably wouldn't recommend the fake it till you make it approach to data recovery with a customers drive.

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Guys - I already solved this with Parted Magic. Found the partition right away - copied to an external drive... there was nothing wrong with the original drive, so making an image or clone didn't seem like a necessary step. They screwed up the enclosure for the drive. Not the drive itself.
Glad you sorted it out. Was going to say the filesystem is likely Linux and could be raided. So pulling a single disk may not work. Though it depends on the filesystem.

I know with my Synology running Synology Hybrid Raid I couldn't get data off a single disk by just throwing it in a dock.

But with my unRAID box, I could since its just XFS.