When we used to do on prem servers.....and some NAS devices.....we did both Synology (mostly)...and one of our guys liked QNAP and used those for his clients. I did Synology myself for my clients......but not because I didn't like QNAP, I was just...familiar with Synology since we did quite a few of them.
Key is, use quality drives..I always preferred WD's drives designed for NAS...their Red Pro drives. The "Pro" models of the Red...better than the non Pro models. Setup in WD's RAID, they would provide read/write speeds that exceeded gigabit network throughput, so the limited factor was gigabit LAN....not the NAS. We still have our Synology at the office, a rack mount RS2212+ I think the model is.
Limiting factor in the one you mention..well...any "J" model..is ultra budget. Slow CPU, not much RAM, no cache for the drive. Just...it's basically a glorified external hard drive. Also just a single drive...so no "redundancy if a drive fails". Also no ability to leverage increased performance through RAID.
What is the NAS used for? It's typical daily purpose?
Looking at their models now, I'd probably start with a DS423+ or DS923+