Need help picking logo please

Captain Spaulding

Active Member
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Chichester, West Sussex, UK

Just wanted to gather some opinions on these logo designs from 48hourslogo, I already discarded some others these are the ones I like the most so far:


I like the middle one - grey background

however your website is white so would be difficult to make it work there, unless you plan on changing it.

I also like the designs that utilise the 'box shaped' fish, however I think the ones that use this concept need more work in terms of integrating the text with the image - at the moment they seem kinda 'stuck together' - ie no synergy. But definitely a nice idea if it can be refined a but.
Thanks for the feedback my fav 3 designs so far were the "box shaped fish ones", the first one (I like the clever use of the pointer but it seems a little cartoon like) and the last one on the middle row, I like the clever way the fish is integrated into the text.

I have asked the designers to try and make the box fish a bit more refined and change the grey back ground to white to see what it's like.
Last one middle row as well. Something you need to think about that caused me a problem was printing in colour in newspaper ads. I used similar colours to the first one middle row and it looked awful in a low res newspaper ad. I changed the colours to the same as the last one middle row and it looked much better. So something else to think about, how they display in diferent situations. i.e. newspapers, mono, colour, clothing(mine were embroidered), business cards, leaflets, web etc
I'm going to have to chime to a different note as everyone else and say, first picture on the third line. Something about it just WORKS. Don't be afraid to be a little creative with it.
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I too, like the middle center and right. The one on the right should be tried with different backgrounds using black and white logos. It needs to show well on paper as well as the web.

Nice of you to bring in a professional set of designs first for us to look at. That is fun!
The designer gave me a copy of what the middle last one might look like on a business card, I'm liking it even more now.


I like that a lot. That one actually caught my eye to begin with. It will not have to be changed for for different media (shirts, cars, print) because there are no gradients. Very good choice for branding and a creative name.