well with the GDPR here I need to set passwords on all sensitive computers. Just noticied that you can Control-Alt-Delete and then set password where there is none. So problem solved
well with the GDPR here I need to set passwords on all sensitive computers. Just noticied that you can Control-Alt-Delete and then set password where there is none. So problem solved
This is not automatable, though, so you are still touching every computer. Scripting net user in a batch would let you assign an individual password for each computer if you parsed the username or some other variable and made it part of the password, for example. Even so, I don't think I would want to be on the receiving end of the avalanche of phone calls if you actually did this.
Well have to do it manually (each user may choose there own password) but also made this batchfile to make myself an account incase. Offcourse I don't use password as a password
@echo off
net user "LocalAdmin" "password" /add
net localgroup "Administrators" "LocalAdmin" /add
WMIC USERACCOUNT WHERE "Name='LocalAdmin'" SET PasswordExpires=FALSE
WMIC USERACCOUNT WHERE "Name='LocalAdmin'" SET Passwordchangeable=FALSE