PC Cleaning Station


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South Bend, IN
A while back I remember seeing pictures someone had posted of their PC cleaning station, but now I can't seem to find it.

Basically they built an enclosed station w/ a compressed air gun inside, and the dusty air was sucked out of the station and filtered.

I'm wanting to build one of my own and was hoping to reference that post for design ideas. Has anyone else built anything like this?
I remember seeing that a while back - think it was either in the thread about "Show your work space" or one of the threads about cleaning out nasty computers.

However, a simple wood frame, grated bottom, with plastic sheeting surrounds and and spray-booth ducting/fan should do the job for you.
Can pick everything up at Home Depot and a hobby shop.
A lot of the materials I already have, aside from the fan/ductwork. I was thinking of using a furnace blower to move the air... shouldn't be hard to come by and would definitely create enough suction. ;)
A lot of the materials I already have, aside from the fan/ductwork. I was thinking of using a furnace blower to move the air... shouldn't be hard to come by and would definitely create enough suction. ;)
Look at the larger spary-booth kit-work for airbrushing, would save you quite a bit of MacGyver work and add more of a professional appearance to it.
Just my opinion there.
I work from home and have an air compressor in the garage, so I just blow out any dusty/nasty computers in the garden - looking to see if the neighbours have any washing on the line first, of course :)
Luckily for me I just mosey out to the garage, set the PC on top of rolling cart by the door and turn on my compressor. It's not the most eloquent solution but I hold my breath and most of the mess gets blown outdoors.

I was thinking of building an enclosure but it's dimensions were growing too large for my small garage so I gave up. I was going to design it like a sand blaster. A big box on wheels with a plexiglass window built into a large door. Two holes in the door to mount the gloves and a shop vac to catch and contain the dust.

It's been mention here quite a bit but whatever you do do not let the cooling fans spin while blowing them out. I use a tie wrap. Over-speeding the fan sounds cool but the bearings will groan in protest and fail.
My only observation is to make sure and really good filter, such as HEPA, if the cabinet exhaust fan is venting into the room. Otherwise you will end up with fine dust everywhere. Learned that from years ago.

When I was at CompUSA we tried to get them to let us make a hood assembly but $200 was too rich for them. Management's high tech solution was to give us a small shop vac and just have the suction hose near the air hose while blowing. Needless to say we always got dinged on corporate site surveys for dirty shelves. None of us were going to play maid.
A while back I remember seeing pictures someone had posted of their PC cleaning station, but now I can't seem to find it.

Basically they built an enclosed station w/ a compressed air gun inside, and the dusty air was sucked out of the station and filtered.

I'm wanting to build one of my own and was hoping to reference that post for design ideas. Has anyone else built anything like this?

I'm sure it was ComputerPros there way a YouTube Video but I can't find a link.
Yeah, with that large of a blower it would almost have to exhaust into the same room, otherwise you'd end up with air pressure drops when you turn it on. I was thinking a 3-stage filtration setup: 1) screen in the bottom of the unit to catch large objects like screws, then a cheap 1" furnace filter, then one of those big 6" HEPA furnace filters.
Isn't this just overkill ?

I like to direct an air blast into a machines darkest and grimmest recesses.
I perform this outside my back door using a paddling pool inflater (set to blow).
Isn't this just overkill ?

I like to direct an air blast into a machines darkest and grimmest recesses.
I perform this outside my back door using a paddling pool inflater (set to blow).

I don't think it's overkill. Sure, I could just take a computer outside and blow the dust out there... But its cold as hell outside right now! I'd much rather clean the computers out inside my shop, only without the dust flying everywhere.

Thanks. They do have a nice setup but I would have wanted to see how it works with something like this. A bit more realistic on what a dirty computer looks like.

Thanks. They do have a nice setup but I would have wanted to see how it works with something like this. A bit more realistic on what a dirty computer looks like.


Looks like the last one I cleaned out... still cleaning up the mess that made :mad:

That's why I was thinking furnace blower... with that much suction, I can't imagine any dust making it out of the enclosure!