Recent Microsoft Photos app update issue


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Northern Michigan
When starting Microsoft Photos, the app would always remember the previous size I set it to so it would always be the same size when I opened it. A few weeks ago, an update broke this and I cannot figure out how to fix it. Now it opens with different window sizes. Very annoying. Tried using ImageGlass and IrfanView, but they aren't as nice looking as MS Photos. I'm now using Microsoft Photos Legacy, which works good, but wish I could use the new version. What to do? Maybe I just have to wait for Microsoft to fix what they broke cos I don't think there's any settings that I can edit to fix it.
I gave up on the Photos app a long time ago. I like to leave multiple images open and every fricking time I went to view an image I had left open, it would disappear and return to the useless image gallery view. I already have an image gallery. It's called Explorer.exe. I need a program to view the images. I moved to Nomacs Image Lounge and never looked back. I must have tried 10x different image viewing programs and Nomacs was the only one that was decent.
FastStone is such a complicated program it has a fricking tutorial. No thanks. I just want to be able to view my images. And it has a super ugly UI that looks like it hasn't changed since 1995. Correct me if I'm wrong though. I haven't used it in almost a decade. But it's like damn, I just want to be able to open my images and flip through them, and, oh I don't know, be able to minimize them with the expectation of being able to come back to them later and have them still be there. I don't think I'm asking for too much here. I used to enable the old Windows 7 style image viewer but it's aged poorly and I don't want to continue using something that has no official support. Nomacs isn't great but at least it gets out of the fricking way and lets you just use it as a simple photo viewer. I do wish I could find a decent photo viewer that has a modern UI though.
FastStone is such a complicated program it has a fricking tutorial. No thanks.

Any program that's not dirt simple will have features that one never uses. That it has extensive documentation is, in my opinion, a feature, not a bug. Just as I don't use probably 95% of what MS-Word offers, the same is true of FastStone. It was dirt simple to figure out most of what I do routinely use, and to find what I needed to tweak certain UI defaults to my personal preference.

I'm perfectly fine with the UI, which has been relatively stable, with a few tiny tweaks, for years now. I'll take something that looks like the WinAero period over "the flat look" any day, which is one of the things I love about it.
@britechguy I dunno. If I open an image viewer and my first reaction is "ah, sh*t, let me spend the next 20 minutes figuring out what these 10 million buttons do," I'm going to say "screw this" and try another program. It's an image viewer, not Adobe Premiere. There's no reason it needs to be so complicated. Maybe if they called it an "image commander" or an "image suite" or something it would make sense but as it stands I think calling it an "image viewer" is way underselling its capabilities and misrepresenting what it's designed to be. That's like calling Photoshop an "image viewer."
I agree with @sapphirescales . I just installed it to check it out, and when run it shows folders in the C: root!

These days, for ordinary users at least, it should view photos on opening. If not viewing photos as a higher level library or catalog like Photos, then at least view the Pictures folder by default...

Too dated for me, and especially for recommending to ordinary users.
They fixed this issue a few weeks ago and now it's back again but it occurs briefly after closing Photos rather than instantly after closing it. So annoying.