Say hello to the bash bug


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Ontario, Canada
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Thanks for the heads up, I just checked my Kali Linux 1.3.0 box (April 2013) and it is not affected by the bug. Kernel 3.7.
It's easy to test for, I passed the litmus test:
There is an easy test to determine if a Linux or Unix system is vulnerable. To check your system, from a command line, type:

env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c "echo this is a test"
If the system is vulnerable, the output will be:

this is a test
An unaffected (or patched) system will output:

bash: warning: x: ignoring function definition attempt
bash: error importing function definition for `x'
this is a test
Today for us was getting all our servers security issues addressed. Rather than as we go, until sunday, its if you aren't doing anything, youre working on this.

We took two servers and are addressing the bash issue in a developmemt environment.

On better note, we got most of our servers up to an A according to SSL labs. Taking them up from a B. Mostly had to do with key length. Our new proxy server (assembled a week ago) is finally up, and performing way better, and is working with untangle like a beast. Significant improvements across the board. And should prevent any bash vulnerability from hitting the servers behind it directly
I'm seeing attempts to exploit this on multiple machines now so if you haven't updated yet - jump to it!
So this is what we have done to mitigate the risk...

1) Ensure all web-servers are behind proxy server (even the https stuff).
2) Ensure proxy server is up-to-date, and contains all relevant keys, certs, etc., for all websites behind proxy server.
3) Ensure unneeded ports on proxy-server and web servers are disabled.
4) ALL non-web servers, but still public, are behind proxy server and proxied correctly.
5) Ensure all ports that are unneeded are secured/disabled.
6) Fix headers in Proxy Server.

Patch complete!
What are you using to monitor the activity, out of curiosity?

I wasn't actually monitoring for that, just happened to notice some dodgy log entries on one machine while investigating an unrelated issue. I then had a quick look at other machines and saw the same on every one I checked! :eek: Lucky I had already patched them all previously.