[REQUEST] Searching for a good belt phone holster


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Northern Michigan
I'm sick of my phone getting greased up in my pocket from previous phone grease getting on the packet fabric and from thigh sweat. So, I think the solution is to put the phone in a holster that is washable.

What do you recommend?

So far, I am interested in this one: https://www.safesleevecases.com/products/cell-phone-belt-pouch-holster

I like that my belt can be looped through it as that is way more secure than a belt clip. It does have a belt clip (dual purpose design) - hopefully it would rest between my shorts/pants and my belt - don't want it rubbing on me - would be nice to have a belt loop only holster.

It's horizontal with a small magnetic strap to secure the phone, which is probably the best design for getting the phone in and out quickly.

Budget of around $25. Don't want Chinesium (cheap junk designed in China with weird or no brand name).
What in the world is "phone grease?"

In my case, fingerprint grease, in others, fingerprint and cheek grease. I frequently clean my screen with microfiber cloths. A holster would reduce how often the screen needs cleaning. I literally have OCD and am a clean freak.
In my case, fingerprint grease, in others, fingerprint and cheek grease. I frequently clean my screen with microfiber cloths. A holster would reduce how often the screen needs cleaning. I literally have OCD and am a clean freak.
Ahh ok, I don't really have that problem because I use wireless earbuds or speaker only.

Why don't you make your own holster from something like Denim?
If you can't use a sewing machine maybe your partner, Mum, Sister, friend could sew it for you?

Most cities/towns have a seamstress. perhaps make some inquiries?
Most cities/towns have a seamstress. perhaps make some inquiries?

Not a bad idea, that's for sure, as this is dirt simple to make (my partner is an avid and very skilled quilter - so I know whereof I speak).

That, or start looking at pants that make carrying the phone easier. I have 2 pairs of CAT work pants, one navy the other gray, similar to these: https://catworkwear.com/collections/mens-pants/products/mens-stretch-canvas-utility-work-pants
that I got at Costco. Those "on the side, kinda to the back" pocket stacks are very, very handy indeed. My smartphone fits perfectly in the second pocket there.