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I coordinated everything for a client. Got my wiring guy out there for 15 or so drops. Install was a Ubiquiti network with 1AP, 1 Server, and 2 Workstations.
LITERALLY THE EASIEST INSTALL YOU CAN THINK OF. Empty office, No Data, No Software, they actually use Gmail.
Quoted this gravy job VERY VERY high due to Holidays. Accepted.
I'm in it a total of 8 hours, 3 for Proj Management and 5 onsite today.
GRAVY JOB! 3PM rolls around I'm thinking WOW I'm going home! Lets GTFO!
I go to access a utility folder on the Server and Oh snap! The Server doesn't follow my normal naming! I usually do SERVERDC-01, I accidentally did SERVER-DC01. No biggie, rename.
I reboot the Server and think OH SNAP. I had already promoted the Server to a DC ... I hope that doesn't screw anything up.
It did.
Can't login anymore.
I spent two hours trying to figure out why and can only attribute it to the fact that when I renamed it I didn't make an entry into AD with the name of the new Server. Download Server 2022 ISO give it shot, gave up quick, over it.
Thank god I bought ProSupport from Dell. After about 3 hours of install and firmware updates I was finally back to square one with a fresh install of Server 2022. Thanks Dell guy.
I get to the last point where I need to setup some GPO's including folder redirection (I know bad) since they won't be using O365 I need some way to protect the Data on the Workstations.
GP wont update on the 2 Workstations. I'm losing my mind. Error says it can't find the OU my Users and Computers are in but join the Domain fine WTF. After another hour or so of troubleshooting I can't figure it out. I login to one of my other Servers to compare and see nothing. UNTIL... I take a close look at the OU in another Server and see that the standard OU I use for small installs is USERS/COMPUTERS ... the OU I just made was USERS\COMPUTERS.
It was.
Notes to take away:
- Don't rename a DC ... Ever, Hell ... don't rename a Server.
- Dell ProSupport is worth it's weight in GOLD
- iDRAC is AMAZING (Never used it before... Noob)
- OU's don't work if you use the wrong Slash / \ / \/ \ /\ /\ /\/ \/ \/ \\/ /\ \ / - Don't use slashes in OU's EVER
- Slow down
- I'm an idiot
It's almost 10PM. My idiot self cost me another 5 hours onsite, should have slowed down but got excited that I was getting out of this easy at 3pm. Even will all the extra time still a gravy job at least.
Kill me.
LITERALLY THE EASIEST INSTALL YOU CAN THINK OF. Empty office, No Data, No Software, they actually use Gmail.
Quoted this gravy job VERY VERY high due to Holidays. Accepted.
I'm in it a total of 8 hours, 3 for Proj Management and 5 onsite today.
GRAVY JOB! 3PM rolls around I'm thinking WOW I'm going home! Lets GTFO!
I go to access a utility folder on the Server and Oh snap! The Server doesn't follow my normal naming! I usually do SERVERDC-01, I accidentally did SERVER-DC01. No biggie, rename.
I reboot the Server and think OH SNAP. I had already promoted the Server to a DC ... I hope that doesn't screw anything up.
It did.
Can't login anymore.
I spent two hours trying to figure out why and can only attribute it to the fact that when I renamed it I didn't make an entry into AD with the name of the new Server. Download Server 2022 ISO give it shot, gave up quick, over it.
Thank god I bought ProSupport from Dell. After about 3 hours of install and firmware updates I was finally back to square one with a fresh install of Server 2022. Thanks Dell guy.
I get to the last point where I need to setup some GPO's including folder redirection (I know bad) since they won't be using O365 I need some way to protect the Data on the Workstations.
GP wont update on the 2 Workstations. I'm losing my mind. Error says it can't find the OU my Users and Computers are in but join the Domain fine WTF. After another hour or so of troubleshooting I can't figure it out. I login to one of my other Servers to compare and see nothing. UNTIL... I take a close look at the OU in another Server and see that the standard OU I use for small installs is USERS/COMPUTERS ... the OU I just made was USERS\COMPUTERS.
It was.
Notes to take away:
- Don't rename a DC ... Ever, Hell ... don't rename a Server.
- Dell ProSupport is worth it's weight in GOLD
- iDRAC is AMAZING (Never used it before... Noob)
- OU's don't work if you use the wrong Slash / \ / \/ \ /\ /\ /\/ \/ \/ \\/ /\ \ / - Don't use slashes in OU's EVER
- Slow down
- I'm an idiot
It's almost 10PM. My idiot self cost me another 5 hours onsite, should have slowed down but got excited that I was getting out of this easy at 3pm. Even will all the extra time still a gravy job at least.
Kill me.
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