[SOLVED] Strange issue in Mint 21.3 Virginia


Well-Known Member
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Adelaide, Australia
I have a laptop running Mint 21.3 Virginia with Mate version 1.26.0. Kernel version is 5.15.0-107-generic x86_64

Mint 1.png

I am unable to open web/HTML links from Signal or Steam or other apps like Evolution.

Not sure when it started.

Clicking on a link brings up the "Open With" box which presents me with the message "No Apps Available" No apps installed that can open https://www.technibble.com (or any other URL.) Message continues with, "You can find more applications in Software."

There is a link at the bottom stating "Find More in Software." Clicking the button presents me with an error message "Failed to start Software" Failed to execute child process "gnome-software" (no such file or directory).

Mint 2.png

Mint 3.png

Trying to add Librewolf manually to the field in the Preferred Applications dialogue window fails as the field is not select able.

Mint 4.png

Thanks for any help.
how about this:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install gnome-software

then do a

sudo apt autoclean && sudo apt autoremove

That will get you the package installer to "Find more in software" - but it likely won't solve your original issue of the links not opening.

have you done a sudo apt dist-upgrade lately?
how about this:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install gnome-software

then do a

sudo apt autoclean && sudo apt autoremove

That will get you the package installer to "Find more in software" - but it likely won't solve your original issue of the links not opening.

have you done a sudo apt dist-upgrade lately?
Thanks Aaron, I'll try these and see what happens.

Yes, I upgraded to Virginia about 6 weeks ago. Problem started after that I think.
@phaZed I tried the commands you posted which fixed the error message regarding "Failed to start Software."

The issue persists, however I am able to access the "Find More Software link."

Unfortunately it states "No Application Found"

Mint 11.png

Mint 22.png

You can see in the screenshot that Librewolf is indeed installed and up to date and to all intents and purposes functions correctly in every aspect; except for opening links from an app.
Funny thing is it does not appear in the list of "Installed Apps." Hmmm...

Preferred Applications is still not selectable.

Mint 4.png
If you install Firefox, I wonder if that would show as a Preferred Application. If so, there may be an issue with Librewolf associating itself in there... which could lead to another troubleshooting path.
Thanks again @phaZed

You've put me on the right track I think. I have 2 other laptops running same versions of Mint. Neither of them are using the "Flatpack" version of Librewolf.

I'll try uninstalling the Flatpack version and install from the Command Line.