The first 5 weeks of running the premises.


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uk / derbyshire
My first 5 weeks experiences in the premises compare to my on-site PC repair business

Hi guys, on this thread I'd like to share my experiences in the first 5 weeks of being in the premises. From time to time, I will be updating you guys with my latest experiences with my business.

On this thread, I have the advantage of my sister writing on my behalf so I am sure that you will not have any difficulty in understanding what has been written.

The first thing that comes to mind, is the difference between onsite customers and shop costumers. When dealing with onsite customers, the problems are mainly desktop PC and software related. On onsite repairs, the class of the customers generally seem wealthier as their main concern is quality and getting the problem fixed quickly and permanently rather than the cost of the damage. Shop customers tend to be more aware of what they want, and they would have already have done their research on prices and general knowledge on hardware and software. They tend to know exactly what they're after, as opposed to onsite customers who may not be as knowledgeable.

Another thing that came to my attention was the fact that customers who come to the shop tend to inquire about laptop repairs and component sales. In terms of the weight of the jobs, I seem to be getting less jobs concerning desktop PC repairs at the shop and I get more jobs to do with laptop repairs. Jobs concerning laptop repairs are generally hardware based such as: laptop DC jack, GPU repairs and some keyboard replacements and not so much software based. I also get a lot of inquiries about Playstation and Xbox repairs-mainly to do with the temperature and other red light issues. I have started accepting these sort of jobs too. These observations are based on after I have served my first 100 customers.

What I'm currently doing:

  1. I have purchased an infrared re-flow machine with various extra tools, which allow me to repair graphic chips and other chips on Laptop motherboards, Xbox 360's, Playstation 3's and some expensive desktop computer motherboards. The cost of this was £300 including extra tools related to the machine. The reason why I have purchased this machine is so that I can fix these problems myself rather than sending it to third party companies for repairs - this way I will be saving a lot more money and it will allow me to become more competitive.
  2. I have also purchased more quality tools for DC jack repairs. I have purchased these as I feel like I needed more quality tools to do professional jobs and I felt like the basic tools weren't as practicle and were a lot harder to use. The tools include: Quality soldering machine, Vacuum based de-soldering machine, Hot air gun especially designed for electronic chips, Glue gun and of course various DC jacks; This cost me approximately £300
  3. I have also bought a complete Xbox 360 repair kit which cost me £80 with a few extras.
  4. I have established a system which involves taking the details of new customers and putting these into a database. The database includes the date of inquiry, the customer name, address, phone number, the problem with the computer, the price quoted if any and a job reference number. I also use removable stickers and attach them to the customers' PC or laptop with their reference number on it only. This makes it easy to identify each customer's computer once their details have been updated on the database. This makes life a lot easier and makes my work a lot more organised.
  5. After I have taken a customer's details, I run a full diagnostic on the laptop or PC for free of charge unless the customer doesn't want to go ahead with the repair, the diagnostic has to be paid for. If the PC is mechanically functional, I use PC doctor for diagnostic which I set a custom test which includes: a CPU, motherboard, memory and hard-disc drive only. If the HDD test fails on smart test, then I immediately recommend the customer to replace the hard-disc drive because no matter how well you re-install Windows or use the HDD repair software, it will eventually fail and you will get blamed for the job not being done properly. This is a set procedure which I apply to all jobs.
On this thread, rather talking about the marketing point of my business I have chosen to inform you on the more technical aspects of my business. As time progresses, I will give you more details on other aspects especially on the marketing side of things. But if my sister is not next to me, unfortunately you will have to deal with my fragmented English.:rolleyes:

On the next update, I will try to post photos of my shop and give you a little update on the more marketing aspect of the business. Thank you to everyone who has taken an interest in my threads and I am happy to take any friendly criticism or advice.

Please if you are not interested in my threads then just ignore it, but don't send any unrelated or meaningless posts on my threads. If you want to advice me on something than I am happy to accept your advice or criticism but please if it's unrelated to my thread do not post anything on the wall, but you can send it to me by private message if you must. In my previous threads, I may have come across as arrogant or cocky but I would just like to say that I am not and I am simply sharing my experiences and giving out advice to those that need it. So far, since I've opened the shop, I have had a positive experience and hopefully it will stay that way but if it doesn't then I will also be sharing any experiences which are negative. I am aware that my English is very limited and it may be difficult to understand but I need you to bare with me, as my sister isn't always here to write on my behalf. Thank you.
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Not hi-jacking the thread, but I do want to make this point clear.

Let's try to keep this thread clean. I really hate to see threads get closed because people cannot voice their opinion in a civil matter. I understand that everyone will not always agree on everything, but there is absolutely no need to get hostile & abusive. You can voice your opinion in a civilized matter and keep it at that. Thanks for everyone's cooperation.
Questions regarding 1 & 3, simply out of interest....

Did it take you long to get a return on investment from the infrared reflow machine?

Also on average how many xbox 360 repairs do you do a week?

A while ago I thought of going into console repairs (especially 360s) but saw every man and his dog on eB*y offering repairs for as little as £20.

Also (again out of interest and if I were to believe everyone I read on the internet) do you not worry that by posting so much information might put you at a disadvantage to 'rivals' who can see exactly what works and what doesn't?
Which IR reflow machine do you have?
Just Purchased T-862++ BGA IRDA Infrared IC Rework Reflow 35mm VGA PC with a lot of extra tools that's not usually included and I have no idea if it's any good or not. If it's a good machine, I will mention it in the next update.
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Questions regarding 1 & 3, simply out of interest....

Did it take you long to get a return on investment from the infrared reflow machine?

Also on average how many xbox 360 repairs do you do a week?

A while ago I thought of going into console repairs (especially 360s) but saw every man and his dog on eB*y offering repairs for as little as £20.

Also (again out of interest and if I were to believe everyone I read on the internet) do you not worry that by posting so much information might put you at a disadvantage to 'rivals' who can see exactly what works and what doesn't?

I didnt get a chance to use the machine just yet but it shouldn't take too long to make the money that I paid. Probably after 3-5 re-flow jobs, I should make the money that I paid for the tool.

In 5 weeks, I only had 2 Xbox and 2 PS3 jobs but I am hoping to get a lot more. I am charging £35 and 99% labour price but sometimes prices can go little higher

Finally, in regards to your last question, all this information is available on the net and all I do is bring them together. Yes, you're right, it may put me at a disadvantage against my rivals or it may not. But I'm just sharing my experiences with everyone on here because I want to help and advice others. It's up to everyone else whether they see this as a positive thing and want to take my advice or whether they just want to do their own thing.
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In 5 weeks, I only had 2 Xbox and 2 PS3 jobs but I am hoping to get a lot more. I am charging £35 and 99% labour price but sometimes prices can go little higher

That doesn't quite make you mean the £35 is 99% labour or you charge 99% of your standard labour charge?

I think 4 consoles in 5 weeks isn't bad actually...most people just buy a new one when they go wrong without even thinking in my experience.
That doesn't quite make you mean the £35 is 99% labour or you charge 99% of your standard labour charge?

I think 4 consoles in 5 weeks isn't bad actually...most people just buy a new one when they go wrong without even thinking in my experience.
Most of the Xbox repairs for £20-£25 they mentioned on ebay dont require part but if you have to use reflow machine than it cost some electricity.
Nice post,
i am looking on going into game console repairs but i wouldn't know where to start.

What customer database do you use and what made you pick it?

i look forward to seeing your photos
Nice post

Ignore the curmudgeons in this Forum. Some of us are interested in what you have to say and welcome your contribution :)

This post is of particular interest to me as I am looking at premises atm, and am hoping to move in the next few months.

I assume your overheads are higher (ie, rent etc), was the move worth it for you financially?
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Nice post,
i am looking on going into game console repairs but i wouldn't know where to start.

What customer database do you use and what made you pick it?

i look forward to seeing your photos
Honestly for me the first step was Youtube, and then Google and after half a days research, I almost became sure where to start. Since all this was new to me, I needed to come up with an extra budget and it wasn't easy since I recently invested a lot of money into my new business.

In regards to your question, my partner is very good at office programs and we built our own database by using Microsoft Office 2007. But we also started using Quickbooks 2010 edition for accounting purposes, as well as to have a secondery Customer database. Don't ask me how but somehow my partner also connected or integrated them together and they sync each other. I would also strongly recommend quickbooks for free profesional invoices and receipt creation and you can use many of their ready templates.
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Nice post

Ignore the curmudgeons in this Forum. Some of us are interested in what you have to say and welcome your contribution :)

This post is of particular interest to me as I am looking at premises atm, and am hoping to move in the next few months.

I assume your overheads are higher (ie, rent etc), was the move worth it for you financially?
I think you would do the right thing moving in to premises. Before i moved in i alwasy thought having on site repair busines more advantage but i realise i was all wrong from the second week of my business.

Its to early to talk about finacial side of the business since its only 5 weeks old shop but if you read my previous thread you can findout about the cost of start up.

Complition of the fifth month i will post new update and let every one know about marketing and other financial staff related the business.

How ever one of the advantage of my business, I am the owner of the shop and i dont pay any rent. even if i have to, i wouldnt worry because you only need 4-6 repair job to cover your rent for a small shop and the amount of the job you will be geting more than that with out any advertising money spend. How do i know? My shop location isnt that great infact no good but how ever people seem to find my place a lot quicker than i ecpected.
Thank you for sharing, I appreciate the information. Please keep it up.

I'm planning to open my own storefront in the next 12 months, I'm trying to save up cash to actually buy a building instead of leasing it though.

How ever one of the advantage of my business, I am the owner of the shop and i dont pay any rent. even if i have to, i wouldnt worry because you only need 4-6 repair job to cover your rent for a small shop and the amount of the job you will be geting more than that with out any advertising money spend. How do i know? My shop location isnt that great infact no good but how ever people seem to find my place a lot quicker than i ecpected.

Best of luck to you!
My shop location isn't perfect, but if you have readily available car parking for customers, they'll flock to you!
I was going to get the T-862++ BGA rework station last year but backed out of the deal. I think what you've been posting has been great. Please keep up the post. I agree with you with what you said about customers especially the wealthy. I've had my shop for going on 2 years so I know what your saying. Have fun and best wishes to you.
Best of luck to you!
My shop location isn't perfect, but if you have readily available car parking for customers, they'll flock to you!
Thank you very much. I agree with you about available car park is very importand factor in computer repair shop business. Specialy some for disable, old, and lady customers it is not easy to cary desktop tower for even short distance.

I have a car park but unfortunetly it is only enough to fit 2 car one behind another so i park my car few hundred meters a way to keep parking space empty for my customers and it is good you mention about this small but very importand fact for future shop running technicians.
Thank you very much. I agree with you about available car park is very importand factor in computer repair shop business. Specialy some for disable, old, and lady customers it is not easy to cary desktop tower for even short distance.

I have a car park but unfortunetly it is only enough to fit 2 car one behind another so i park my car few hundred meters a way to keep parking space empty for my customers and it is good you mention about this small but very importand fact for future shop running technicians.

Very good point!
Luckily customers can pull up outside of my shop, and although it's a single yellow line, a few mice pies and hot drinks at Christmas keep the local traffic wardens on my side!
Did a free reload on the road sweep's machine, he takes care of the (privately owned) area in front of the shop for me, it all adds up.
In my eyes, it's all about making the most of what youve got.
Very good point!
Luckily customers can pull up outside of my shop, and although it's a single yellow line, a few mice pies and hot drinks at Christmas keep the local traffic wardens on my side!
Did a free reload on the road sweep's machine, he takes care of the (privately owned) area in front of the shop for me, it all adds up.
In my eyes, it's all about making the most of what youve got.
If i am not wrong you are alowed to wait on single yellow line 3min. but if you are carying anything heavy they usualy let you off for some time.