Ubiquiti's new Unifi Express came in


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Englewood Florida
We ordered a half doz of these too...
Exact same case as the new UXG Lite...except it has a LED readout up front.
Same "heft/weight" to it too...same power (USB-C...thin white cord to a small white wall-wart plug)

Cool for very small offices...be ware of the limitation of no more than 5x Unifi devices managed by them. They only have the Network app, no Protect (for cameras), or Access (for door control, etc)....just the network app.

In the box, unlike the UXG Lite...the Unifi Express also comes with a 1' slim patch cable (I wish the UXG Lite came with one of those, granted...we stock a ton of slim cables anyways...but ya know, the Ubiquiti ones have that nice quality rubber feel to them).

Pretty slick device! Have some patience when you first power it up and stick your laptop behind it...going to
I'm used to setting up Unifi gateways by going there and instantly jumping into the wizard. Give it a minute or three for the setup wizard to become available.
Once you're into the setup wizard it's mostly similar to what you see on a Dream Machine...and once that's done, it shows up in your account at unifi.ui.com
and you manage it like any other Dream Machine/Pro/SE/DreamRouter/UCKG2

Now, what's cool about these little guys, you can hang it off of any Dream Machine or Unifi Express managed network as an access point. You simply just uplink the WAN port of a second Unifi Express, to the network behind the DM/DMp/DMSE/DR.Unifi Express...and it will show up as a device you can adopt, and once you do that, it's seen as a standard access point...and the LAN port on it is bridged and just does passthrough. I took a second one, connected it to the first one, adopted it, plugged my laptops ethernet port in the LAN port of the second Unifi express, and my laptop still had the same network address...adopting it as an AP will "bridge it"..so it's no longer in gateway/NAT mode. The UX can support 4x more Unifi devices behind it....has that max. They didn't give the Unifi network app much horsepower.

You can also of course use them in wireless uplink/mesh mode...like ANY Unifi AP.
It's just 2x2 wifi6...so it's not meant for like...50 heavy users. But for lighter use, they'll be great. Spec'd at maintaining 1gig throughput even with security enabled.

Slick devices! Dang good bang for the buck I tell ya!




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Thanks for the update @YeOldeStonecat. Saw an email about that a while ago and it piqued my interest. The customers we have with Unifi routers are all USG3's which are getting long in the tooth. Mine kicked the bucket a few months ago, along with my cable modem, RAID card and NIC port 1 in the R730xd after a lightening strike just behind the house. I tossed in a ER X to use for the time being.
I have one arriving Friday for a specific application in another state. I'll do the initial setup here and just have them drop it in behind their cable modem. Cheaper than a Cloud Key and perfect for small network deployments. They can even be powered by POE by using a POE splitter such as this:

So is this a good replacement for the old school UniFi Security Gateway?
If you compare specs of the Unifi Express (this one)..and the UXG-Lite (the other thread)....the UXG-Lite is more the direct replacement of the USG-3p.
This device is more a mini version of the Unifi Dream Router (or its predecessor, the Unifi Dream Machine). Since...this device here has a built in controller, and built in wifi. The UXG-Lite...does not have a built in controller, or built in wifi...just like the USG-3p.

It could certainly be used in place of a USG-3p though...you wouln't need a 3rd party controller or a cloud key, and at least one less wifi AP.