Win 7 0x0000007b error Black Screen


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Melbourne, Australia
Have this Win7 STOP error 0x0000007b, cursor movable on black screen

Issue is cant boot into any safe modes - does same thing

2 orbs of logo come up then - beep restarts

Cant CTRL+ALT+DEL to run explorer.exe
Tried via recovery disc - just reboots
Tried the rn md logs method
Restore wont work - errors unsuccessfull

I Think maybe a rootkit has corrupted boot sector, but cannot get into any recovery cmd mode.

Was going to open case and work on it externally as noticed SSD [main drive was not on Sata0] though may have on a faster SATA port.
Went to open casing found was locked via some idiot with a key, now they cant find key:confused:

Advised client cannot do anything without key, so will be a longer delay now. I have had system since Friday late afternoon. Havnt heard back as she has left office, arghhh tomorrow wheres my PC
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Can you check the BIOS to see if the HDD mode is set to AHCI or ATA?
Can you boot to a Win7 DVD to run repairs from there?
You aren't going to believe this as it will sound almost too silly, BUT you probably haven an INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_VOLUME...

If that is the case, I have seen it countless times just as a hard disk drive is going bad. The fix to boot the computer *drumroll please*

Run chkdsk /f

I swear... you may have to remove the drive and drop it into another computer and run the chkdsk OR boot media like Widnows PE... or open the Windows Installer then launch a command prompt WITHOUT re-installing windows or reformatting.

Any of these have about 75% chance or better at making the computer bootable.
The ability to bypass physical security is one of those skills you'll never regret gaining. May I recommend this?

Just be careful about being caught with the tools.

As I said -

  • Tried recovery disc just reboots
  • Dont want to breach case
  • I cant open the case to get to HDD and CMD line is inaccessible reboots on CLASS.PNP
  • I have enabled stop screen - thats how I saw the error
Might try the clone rather than wait around thanks
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As I said -

  • Tried recovery disc just reboots
  • Dont want to breach case
  • I cant open the case to get to HDD and CMD line is inaccessible reboots on CLASS.PNP
  • I have enabled stop screen - thats how I saw the error
Might try the clone rather than wait around thanks

Well then, the only thing left you CAN do is throw the effing thing against a wall. If it doesn't help the computer, it may help you feel better, at least for a little while.

Well then, the only thing left you CAN do is throw the effing thing against a wall. If it doesn't help the computer, it may help you feel better, at least for a little while.


- Drive is set to AHCI - Is a Phoenix based BIOS Board, is an SSD drive as well Samsung 240GB

I could do that but might damage the HDD hehe. Got authorised to "unlock case" picked it with a paperclip - damn im like McGuyver lol. Ran chkdsk X: /F /R no errors found or bad sectors. So looks to be invalid bootsector I think - maybe rootkit.
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- Drive is set to AHCI - Is a Phoenix based BIOS Board, is an SSD drive as well Samsung 240GB
Ran chkdsk X: /F /R no errors found or bad sectors. So looks to be invalid bootsector I think - maybe rootkit.

What does the SSD's SMART information tell you? You're unlikely to see anything as obvious as a bad sector on an SSD - they tend to fail catastrophically - but there might be some signs of an imminent failure.

I've seen way more faulty drives than rootkits!
What does the SSD's SMART information tell you? You're unlikely to see anything as obvious as a bad sector on an SSD - they tend to fail catastrophically - but there might be some signs of an imminent failure.

I've seen way more faulty drives than rootkits!

I used Gparted & Seagate tools as well no errors or bad sectors, so I think rules out HDD
I used Gparted & Seagate tools as well no errors or bad sectors, so I think rules out HDDo_O

I think I'd also try something like GSmartControl (here) before concluding that the SSD is good. They really do fail suddenly and all at once, and go to a lot of effort to make you think that everything's fine right up to the point of failure.
I think I'd also try something like GSmartControl (here) before concluding that the SSD is good. They really do fail suddenly and all at once, and go to a lot of effort to make you think that everything's fine right up to the point of failure.

Its part of Gparted I used within Linux- no errors. Ran full test as well x3 hours, also used CrystalDiskInfo all nominal.
Remember the Regback folder, might make for a good test to see if the registry got mangled somehow.
- Drive is set to AHCI - Is a Phoenix based BIOS Board, is an SSD drive as well Samsung 240GB

I could do that but might damage the HDD hehe. Got authorised to "unlock case" picked it with a paperclip - damn im like McGuyver lol. Ran chkdsk X: /F /R no errors found or bad sectors. So looks to be invalid bootsector I think - maybe rootkit.
Out of curiosity, did you try setting it to IDE (or compatibility, or whatever the bios calls it)? Never can tell who's done what before you got to it.

Wont work in my predicament as wont boot to any safe mode
N&P on the way, managed to backup with Fabs and image drive so HDD isnt an issue.

Yes did try but is a Phoenix based BIOS Board has no options for IDE

EDIT: Ok so all good now - thanks all for input.
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