Yahoo Suffers Massive Data Breach

That's an interesting thought, because I think Yahoo was the provider for a bunch of stuff like email addresses, and who knows what others.

I should go on and change my password, I think it's the same one I set up probably back in 1997-1998 timeframe. Based on the name of a restaurant that a group of us went out to that was pretty tasty.

edit: yep, still the same one. I remember being annoyed that I couldn't get my initials as a username, I think they required at least 5 characters.
Reading through this it makes me wonder exactly what happened. As Abraham Lincoln has said

"The problem with internet quotes is that you cant always depend on their accuracy" -Abraham Lincoln, 1864

They said it looked like it was from 2012. So that would mean someone got a hold of some backup. Or someone could have just aggregated a bunch of yahoo accounts from other sources. But that would be a lot of sources if there really are 200 million unique addresses. At any rate this should be interesting to see how it plays out. I'm sure part of the motivation by the black hat is the recently announced sale.