What to Charge for a Computer Repair - Technibble

What to Charge for a Computer Repair

  • 02/19/2006

A question that I frequently hear on forums is “how much should I charge for a computer repair?”. This article should help you set your prices.

The question is “how much should I charge?”, the answer is “you can almost charge whatever you want to charge” but definitely dont sell on price. There will always be people out there will undercut you on price and in most cases, the lowest price will work against you, as perception matters. Customers want good service and they are willing to pay for it.

Don’t sell on price. Sell on response times, availability, solutions, etc. Price is one factor only. A year from now your customer probably wont even remember how much you charged them, but they will remember how professional, polite and technically competent you were.

To get some ballpark figures I recommend calling your competitors in your area and ask for prices. While you are calling your competitors, take this opportunity to listen how they answer the phone, what sort of questions they ask and their attitude. Once you have a few prices, try to place yourself in the middle as being on the high or low end can hurt your business.

In summary, dont sell on price, sell on your response times, availability and how professional you are. Once a client finds a good techie they like they typically will keep them coming back.
