When your Prospect Already Has a Tech Guy - Technibble

When your Prospect Already Has a Tech Guy

  • 02/13/2019

Does your prospect already have someone managing their systems? Here’s what you can do.


Bryce Whitty here from Technibble.com and in this video I’d like to share with you what you can do if your prospect already has a tech guy. So, there are a couple of angles you can take with this: If the other provider is a solo operation and you have multiple employees, you can always say that you’ll have someone available to fix the problem. So if someone on your team is sick or they’re on a holiday, they are never left waiting.

If YOU are the solo provider, you can angle it saying that they have a singlepoint of contact or without getting bounced around or explaining the problem to multiple people. You don’t want to say the other provider is bad, but you want to emphasize what YOUR point of difference is because it’s likely that they HAVE been left waiting, or had have to deal with multiple points of contact. So it makes your offering just a little bit more appealing.

If they are happy with their existing tech guy, you can find out what they offer and see what you can offer on top of that. How would the business be better off by going with you? Chances are you both offer remote management, antivirus and backup, and so on So focus on the additional things you can do for that business.

You don’t want to try and replace the other MSP mid-contract though, but rather you want to ask how much longer they are contracted with the other guy. The reason why is you do not want a client that jumps mid-contract, its likely that they’ll do it to you too later on resulting in higher churn.

I hope you find these few tips helpful.
