Your MSP Needs a Unique Selling Point - Technibble

Your MSP Needs a Unique Selling Point

  • 05/07/2019

Do you know what separates your Managed Service Business from your competitors?


Bryce Whitty here from, and today I would like to share with you why your Managed Service Business should stand out.

So you may already know what you do better than other MSPs and that’s a good thing, but is that translatable to your non-techie prospects?

Does it make a difference on their end? If your systems automated for example, that’s great for you and lessens the amount of work you need to do. But do they see the benefits of that in some way?

If you don’t know what you do better than your competitors, it’s really something you should focus on immediately. Without it, your services become a commodity and it’s a race to the bottom with price.

A lot of MSPs say their point-of-difference is that they are fast and friendly but pretty much EVERY MSP says that so you need something else.

Do you specialize in a certain vertical? Do you have some proprietary technology or processes that make better for you. Makes a difference for your prospect?

If you do, mention those when pitching. It makes it harder for your prospect to compare Apples to Apples when choosing a provider.

That’s it for this video. I hope this helps and thank you for watching.
