10 Door-to-Door sales tips.

Yeap, thats what I have always heard. -

I wish it was easier to attacth stuff to doors.. Some people just have a door handle, and one cant really wedge a flier anywhere.
door hangers?

I'm going to try a similar approach with door hangers... hangs on the door knob.. you have less space to print your message though
Yesterday evening I went on a test run. I went around my neighborhood taping my business card to the door of mailboxes. It was quick and easy, tape and stick tape and stick. I know fliers look more appealing to the eye, but I think people just throw those things away quick if they are not interested at that exact moment, but that can be the same with the business card, but a business card may wind up on a fridge or in a wallet or purse more quickly than a flier/doorhanger.

I also was able to talk to a few people who were outside, I would just tell them I do computer repair and to to call me if they ever needed anything, handed them my card and left if they did not want to continue talking.

I am going to go all over next weekend doing this.
Gotta side with Styxbound. I have actually gotten to the point in life where I will close the door in the face of a door-to-door solicitor.

Ryan, I've got to ask - your post to the thread was very poorly written (lack of capitals, punctuation; even your logo lacks an apostrophe). Was the flyer similar?
Oh, and clicking on the link to your site gives a db error.

lol wow does he have to be perfect on here its just a forum ::confused:
lol wow does he have to be perfect on here its just a forum ::confused:
No and, clearly, we welcome those still learning the language.

I was going to go for a more eloquent analogy but I'm off to bed:
If someone prints with crayon in one room, why would you assume they do calligraphy in ink in the next?

If someone writes here at a Grade 4 level, I'm not going to assume they write their business materials much better. Sure, we all get a little sloppy when not in front of a customer but shouldn't we treat each other with the respect due and make sure what we write is clear and legible?
I find if I just drop flyers on the door at a time when people are not home then I don't bug people and I usually get a few phone calls out of it. I don't like door to door solicitors or telemarketers, so I try not to be one.
You really need to know your community

Door knocking is perfectly acceptable and good for your business in some places but can be a terrible business killer in other places. I'm in a small rural community where doors rarely get knocked on (most businesses don't bother with towns this size, and most friends and neighbors simply open the door and walk in). Almost nobody in town knows yet that there is actually a way to get their computers fixed without driving 50 miles and are thrilled when I come to the door and let them know that there is now a local solution.

Still you need to be careful when you choose to do your door knocking even in a receptive environment. Going out during the day is fine, but most people won't be home (unless you are going to a neighborhood with lots of retirees), but in the evening you need to be careful not to go while people are eating supper. I try to keep it to a 7:30-8:30 PM window on weekdays, and mid-afternoon on Saturday and minor holidays. Major holidays and Sundays I completely avoid.