Access Denied for Secondary HDD


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Hey all - had a computer that 'crashed' according to the customer. I took the drive out, and put it in my bench system.

The drive passes Smart check, and 'looks' to be in healthy condition.

The system automatically ran a chkdsk before I could stop it, and it made it through the chkdsk.

The drive now shows as E:, but when I double click, I get Access Denied.

I attempted to change the ownership on the drive and applied it to all the sub directories. It went through, and I could SEE all the files and folders it was going through to change ownership.

That completed, but STILL - Access Denied when double clicking it.

Any ideas, tips?
Yeah, I was thinking about parted magic or something like that - but if this just was a crash related file system issue, I would like to get the system back up as is if possible. Or is that highly unlikely?
Has the discussion about data backup been done with the customer?

As always you want to work with clones, not the patient. So image the drive and try any number of partition recovery tools. But having had chkdsk run is not a good thing. No idea what it "fixed".
Internal or external? If it’s an external check to see if it has a hardware read only switch.

If it’s internal, can you check the groups that have permissions to the drive? Maybe it’s missing the users group or it’s from a different computer.

When you ran the change ownership did you run it from the command line as admin or did you use the GUI? the command line might show errors that the GUI hides.

Also Did you try to reset the ntfs permissions?
icacls "D:\" /reset /t /c /l

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I did not run the permissions from Command Line - do you know the command?

Also, I tried the ntfs reset, Access Denied
I did not run the permissions from Command Line - do you know the command?

Also, I tried the ntfs reset, Access Denied
Takeown is the command, but I’m not sure the switches you’ll need

takeown /?
And Take a look there, you’ll definitely need a recursive switch.

Also make sure you’re running the command prompt as admin.

Post a screen shot of the permissions on a folder:

Right-click the folder —> “Properties” —> “Security” —> “Advanced” —> “Permissions” tab.

Post the screenshot
Takeown is the command, but I’m not sure the switches you’ll need

takeown /?
And Take a look there, you’ll definitely need a recursive switch.

Also make sure you’re running the command prompt as admin.

Post a screen shot of the permissions on a folder:

Right-click the folder —> “Properties” —> “Security” —> “Advanced” —> “Permissions” tab.

Post the screenshot

Things are getting more interesting. It turns out that this E: WAS a clone, although 10 months old.

The main C: drive shows up in windows, but only shows a public user name in the users folder. His main profile is nowhere to be found!

What should I use to see if the data is still there? Photorec? Recuva? In the past I have used GetDataBack, but I usually use that for failing drives.
Clone it first. This is not negotiable.

//Photorec? Recuva? In the past I have used GetDataBack, but I usually use that for failing drives.//

If you have good tool, why reserve it for failing drives (for which it is not really suited btw) and use shitty tools? I don't get this. Recuva is an undeleter in essence, not being updated for the last 6 years. PhotoRec is a carver and although it has it's purpose it will by definition not recover filenames + folder structure. GetDataBack is often capable to reconstructing an intact virtual file system. It's the best overall tool of the three you mention.
Clone it first. This is not negotiable.

//Photorec? Recuva? In the past I have used GetDataBack, but I usually use that for failing drives.//

If you have good tool, why reserve it for failing drives (for which it is not really suited btw) and use shitty tools? I don't get this. Recuva is an undeleter in essence, not being updated for the last 6 years. PhotoRec is a carver and although it has it's purpose it will by definition not recover filenames + folder structure. GetDataBack is often capable to reconstructing an intact virtual file system. It's the best overall tool of the three you mention.

Yes, I noticed this about Photorec - that made my OCD freak right out.

I bought the new version of Getdataback, and it worked. Was able to find the lost files WITHOUT a deep scan (like the old version always did) - so saved a great deal of time. It had all the files in Found.001 folders, but the file names themselves were intact.

Thanks for the tips.. going to have to buy a 4TB drive for cloning as the customer drives are getting bigger and bigger.
I bought the new version of Getdataback, and it worked. Was able to find the lost files WITHOUT a deep scan (like the old version always did) - so saved a great deal of time. It had all the files in Found.001 folders, but the file names themselves were intact.

I've always shied away from this purchase since we don't do enough data recovery in-house to justify the $850 for the technician's license. We can send out almost 3 drives for recovery for that price and not have to worry about the tech end of the job.
I've always shied away from this purchase since we don't do enough data recovery in-house to justify the $850 for the technician's license. We can send out almost 3 drives for recovery for that price and not have to worry about the tech end of the job.

If I'd spend that much money I'd probably go for another tool anyway. If you do not want to pay that much and get a tool that's used by quite a few data recovery techs for logical recoveries, then spend some time with DMDE and see if you can get used to it.