Acer with non boot issue.

I had a similar issue with a unit a while back. Chances are it's not the main board but a component that plugs into it. Try disconnecting as many non essential items such as wifi card, speakers, trackpad, keyboard etc. and power the unit up.

I had one unit that was water damaged and the trackpad was causing a short, disconnect it and it boots ok.

Another unit I never narrowed it down but obviously a component that connects to the main board was the issue. When you use the reset switch you are resetting the circuit so it clears the fault (temporarily). Remember that a circuit doesn't end in the MB, so any defective device that is connected can cause an error condition.
I've sold many many Acer laptops with virtually no major problems till now.
Unfortunately we don't all live in a perfect world.
Some of us have to supply what we can get at a competitive price or miss out altogether.
Sourcing laptops at a competitive price in Adelaide is a dead duck! So we reach out to suppliers in the larger cities like Sydney or Melbourne. Although they have a larger range at somewhat more competitive prices and better prices can be had if purchasing in bulk, being only a one man show makes it impossible to buy more than I have orders for - which is usually only one or two at most.
This is not exactly ideal either as any purchased laptop needs about two days to get here.
Of course there are "express" services for overnight transport but when this cost is added to the unit it reduces the competitiveness of the sale as compared to the major retailers. Plus clients are waiting for items that they could simply buy today - from one of the major stores locally.
Some of us become resellers for brands like Leader or Predator and although cheaper these brands are not wholly accepted by most people.
They recognise the big names like Acer, Toshiba etc because the major dept stores advertise them on radio and TV, but Leader? Most people would never have heard of them and would be dubious of their quality, even more so than Acer. But even Leader et-al can not be sourced locally.
There are many important considerations to weigh up with any sale.
Possibly the most important factor in all this is what the client asks for within their budget.
The quotes I prepare usually include HP, Lenovo, Toshiba and Acer. It's up to the client what they want and even though I can - and do - make a recommendation the client is under no obligation to accept what I recommend.
So, I try not to "endorse" anything. I simply try to satisfy my clients in a very competitive and rapidly diminishing market, while also trying to make enough to keep "The Wolf" from the door....
Try disconnecting as many non essential items such as wifi card, speakers, trackpad, keyboard etc. and power the unit up
We actually did do this. Only connected what was needed to boot. Then added components one at a time. We could not narrow it down to any cable, part or drive as it would just be dead every time it was powered off.
Have you tried installing a Linux distro on hard drive and see if the issue persists?
Actually did that today. Put a copy of Mint 17.3 on a disk and tried it. Restarts are fine, but power it down and it's dead.
I've decided to give it best and purchased a new HP laptop of similar specs for the client.
I'll use this one for experimental purposes or just use it myself, taking care not to power it off unless I have to.
It always boots after the reset button is pressed so I can live with that, where my client should not have to.

Thanks for all the helpful suggestions, very much appreciated. :)
I've decided to give it best and purchased a new HP laptop of similar specs for the client.
I'll use this one for experimental purposes or just use it myself, taking care not to power it off unless I have to.
It always boots after the reset button is pressed so I can live with that, where my client should not have to.

Thanks for all the helpful suggestions, very much appreciated. :)

Sounds like the best option in the circumstances. Another option would be to offer it a reduced price to another client who wouldn't mind having to use the reset button. If I was a buyer, that would easily be something I could live with it for a lower price.
I'm a bit late to the party, but I have a small piece of information to add - the "Reset" button on these Acers is nothing of the sort. It simply cuts the connection between the main battery and the motherboard, and is only there because there's no other way to disconnect the battery without taking the back off.

It's a small point but it does suggest that the problem isn't that the computer won't start, it's that it won't shut down. I'm not sure if that's any help!
I'm a bit late to the party, but I have a small piece of information to add - the "Reset" button on these Acers is nothing of the sort. It simply cuts the connection between the main battery and the motherboard, and is only there because there's no other way to disconnect the battery without taking the back off.

It's a small point but it does suggest that the problem isn't that the computer won't start, it's that it won't shut down. I'm not sure if that's any help!
that's interesting....
Thanks @Computer Bloke I'll check to make sure it is actually switching off rather than going into some weird sleep/hibernation/Microsoft Induce Coma state or something else.
I have disabled Fast Startup, Sleep etc in the Power settings as well as turned off any sleep/hibernation/"wake on" settings in the Advanced section of Power Settings.