BitDefender Dodgy Update - Trojan.FakeAlert.5


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Birmingham, UK
Hi All,

As your probably aware BitDefender put a dodgy definition update on their servers this weekend.

You may have had customer's calling you up about it. I have just had an email from there team explaining the situation and how to fix it.

Email Below:

Status Update: On the morning of 20th March, an update for Windows 64-bit systems was available on our servers between 08:00 and 11:30, US Pacific Standard Time (12:00 and 15:30 UK, GMT). This update caused various Windows and BitDefender files to be incorrectly quarantined.

Background: The false quarantines for BitDefender products running on Windows 64-bit systems are due to BitDefender and Windows files being incorrectly detected as Trojan.FakeAlert.5 infestations. This false detection applies to .exe, .dll and other binary files. As a consequence, some systems may experience problems with running BitDefender and other applications. In a few extreme situations Windows may cease to load. Pictures, documents and similar digital media files are not affected. No data is lost or damaged as a result of this faulty update.

BitDefender is currently finalising a patch that will restore all quarantined files to their original state. This patch will be available shortly.

Important – Please read:

1. Windows 32-bit systems have NOT been affected by the update.

2. The bugged update was available on Saturday 20th March between 12:00 (GMT) and 15:30 (GMT). Users who did not update during this time will NOT be affected by the update problems.

3. The update does not cause any loss of data.

4. Windows 64-bit users who updated during the bugged update period should follow these instructions:

5. Business users of BitDefender Security for File Servers and BitDefender Business Client (BitDefender Client Security), please refer to the ‘Related Info’ links below. For further support, please contact your BitDefender Account Manager directly.

6. For further information and discussion topics on BitDefender 2010 products, please visit the BitDefender forums:

7. If you have any other queries, please use the contact form and our technical team will respond as soon as possible:

Warning: Users are urged to follow ONLY official BitDefender solutions to the errors caused by this software update. Unofficial solutions may lead to your system being compromised by individuals or organisations of malicious intent, who may use the present situation as a means to spread their malware (such as through rogue ‘fixes’ or ‘removal tools’).

BitDefender sincerely apologizes for the situation that this created and the inconvenience it may have caused. We have identified the failed process, and will endeavour to prevent such an event from occurring again in future updates.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Kind regards
BitDefender Support
I have a 64bit system that seems really screwy the last 5 days or so. I am really p'd off at BD.